Goals of Being

Many years ago one of my goals for public speaking was to design and deliver my own three-day workshop on the Las Vegas Strip. I first achieved that goal in 2009. That was a goal of doing. Another goal I had for public speaking was to develop such strong comfort with public speaking that I…

Receiving Big Love

In yesterday’s post I wrote about expressing and exploring Big Love. Now let’s consider the receiving side. Be receptive to other people’s expression of love, even when it’s not individually directed to you. Allow yourself to feel gratitude and appreciation for the gifts that other people share with the world, as if those gifts were…

Big Love

Loving another person is one form of love, but you can also love a grand purpose or vision that doesn’t directly involve loving a specific person. By expressing love at the individual level, you may make another person happier. But by channeling love into an expression of purpose, you may delight or inspire a great…

NaNoWriMo Days 16-17

The morning I hit a nice milestone for my novel-in-progress, getting it just beyond 30K words, so I’m still ahead of schedule for reaching 50K words by November 30th. The daily target of 1667 words continues to work well. Yesterday I added 2050 words, which I think is the first time I’ve gone over 2K…

10 Songs That Make People Happy

Inc. Magazine shared a recent article about 10 songs that make people happy, based on some findings by a neuroscientist several years ago. I don’t normally find Inc’s articles worthwhile because they publish so many fluffy clickbait pieces (often padding out one minor quote from Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, or Jeff Bezos into…

Sensitivity to Lying

Some people have a high tolerance for lying and falsehood. They can hang out around others who frequently share false information, deliberately or from ignorance, and it doesn’t seem to bother them. Either they don’t notice the falsehoods, or they aren’t much affected when they do notice. I’m not one of those people. I used…

How to Overcome Your Feelings of Neediness

Why do you feel needy sometimes? You feel needy because your own brain doesn’t believe you. Your brain sees what you want. It also sees what you don’t want. And it genuinely expects that you’re going to keep getting what you don’t want. It doesn’t believe that you’re going to get what you want. Your…

Why You Should Make a Video in Your Bathrobe

I love mental and emotional resistance training because it has done so much for me over the years. It’s a fabulous way to think about skill-building when you’re diving into new territory, especially when you feel anxious, uncomfortable, or off balance. Consider learning how to record and publish videos online, for instance. So much of…

Raising Your Baseline

In practicing the slow, shallow breathing approach from The Oxygen Advantage that I shared about during the past two days, I’m grasping that the key to this approach is to define a new baseline for my breathing and then keep synching back to that new baseline whenever I catch myself drifting from it. The initial…

A Positive Development

When I heard that Trump had contracted the coronavirus, my first thought was the word good. This feels like a much-needed positive development for humanity and the world. It likely means fewer deaths, less suffering, and less time in pandemic mode – and perhaps less stupidity from him and his minions. So I see it…