Relax Into Being

A few nights ago, I did a 30-minute yoga session before dinner. While lying in Savasana (corpse pose) at the end of it, I reveled in a delightful sense of beingness. This was a good reminder to set aside doingness and to fully relax into just being now and then. When you relax into being,…

Declining Emotional Invitations

This is a follow-up to the last two posts on emotional consent and how to invite emotional consent. What if someone makes an emotional offer, either directly or indirectly, and you’d actually like to decline? Suppose someone starts venting at you emotionally, and you know that if you continue to listen, it’s likely to be…

How to Invite Emotional Consent

In my previous post, I addressed the importance of emotional consent. In this post I’ll share how to ask for emotional consent when you want to have a heart-to-heart with someone. It’s pretty straightforward in terms of the words. The intention behind it is what matters most. You could start with a line like this:…

Emotional Consent

Have you ever had the experience of someone venting their emotions onto you or roping you into an emotional conversation, and you never actually consented to sharing that kind of experience with them? How did that feel? Did you ever feel used, abused, or drained by someone emotionally, especially someone who expected to be granted…

Reader Experiences

On July 22 I shared a checking in with you post, inviting people to share what they’ve been experiencing during this time and how they’re doing. A lot of people decided to take me up on that – more than I was expecting. After personally replying to the first several dozen people that wrote to…

Create Your Day

Here’s a new video about creating your day in advance, not just mentally (like with a to-do list) but emotionally as well.

Creating Reference Experiences

This video shares how to boost your confidence, overcome impostor syndrome, and upgrade your self-image by creating powerful reference experiences you’ll cherish and appreciate.

Being Emotionally Honest With Yourself

The reasons people offer for making a decision often don’t match up with their real reasons. Real reasons are generally emotional, not logical. People hide and guard their real reasons for making decisions. When you quit a job or leave a relationship, how often do you tell your boss or partner your real (emotional) reason…