News & Updates

Chinese and Russian Translations

Apr 3, 2016

Today I stumbled upon the sites and, which have been translating my articles into Chinese and Russian, respectively. Wonderful!

All of my articles, podcasts, and videos are uncopyrighted. Hence you’re welcome to reshare, republish, or translate any of the free content you find on this website. You can even repackage and sell it, and many people have been doing so for years.

A long time ago I decided that it was more intelligent to work for happiness and fulfillment than for profit. It makes me happy to see these ideas being shared around the world freely. 🙂

New Website Design

Apr 1, 2016

The new design for is finally here. I hope you like it. 🙂

My priorities for the new design were usability, simplicity, and device independence.

If you’re viewing this on a laptop or desktop computer, try shrinking or expanding your browser width to see how everything resizes.

The most important pages on the site are the articles since that’s where most new visitors land and where people usually spend the most time. The result probably looks immensely simple, and that was indeed the goal. I want people to be able to enjoy the articles without distractions.

The old blog categories have been greatly simplified, from 36 topics on the old site down to only 9 here. There’s also a Favorites category which includes my favorite articles as well as those that have been popular with readers.

Because a lot of people requested this feature, I included a random article link at the bottom of the blog menu. It will bring up a random article from the blog each time you click it. You could also add to your browser bookmarks bar if you want an even faster way of using it.

All your old links or bookmarks to any pages or posts here will still work. The URLs for the articles are the same as before, and anything that’s changed its location will automatically redirect to the new location.

The News section is for news and updates, much like posting status updates on social media. It has it own archives, and it’s separate from the main blog. This allows me to reserve the blog for articles and timeless content, and the blog archives won’t be cluttered with short-term announcements. I also cleaned up the archive considerably, deleting about 130 old posts that contained obsolete info like old workshop reminders. Many articles were also given a fresh editing pass.

The Audio section has been redesigned with all the files easily playable via your browser and download links provided. This includes all the podcasts I recorded from 2006 to 2009. There’s a new Video section too.

If you want to share your feedback about the new site, or if you encounter any bugs (even typos), please let me know via the contact form. I intend to continue evolving and improving the site over time.

Thanks for your support — and your patience!

Spring Fling (Free)

Mar 12, 2016

From March 21 to 26, Learning Strategies is hosting a free online event called The Spring Fling. This is a Paraliminals-based program to help prime your mind for abundance and prosperity. The event runs for six days, and each day’s session is about 25 minutes.

Paraliminals are eyes-closed meditation programs designed to condition positive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. If you like guided mediation programs, I think you’ll enjoy them.

Learning Strategies also offers special deals and discounts on their paid products to people who sign up for their free programs.

The Delusion of Cruelty-Free Animal Products

Mar 4, 2016

This short video highlights the myths about organic, cruelty free, and free range farming. What do the buzzwords humane, cruelty free, cage free, free range, and organic actually mean when applied to animal products like eggs and milk? Are the animals any better off?

The intelligent choice is to drop these products from your life completely. Until you’re ready to do that, don’t succumb to denial about what you’re doing because denial of reality stunts your ability to grow.

2.9M Freelancers Earned More Than $100,000 in 2015

Jan 26, 2016

In 2015, 2.9 million freelancers in the USA earned more than $100,000. In 2011, only 2 million freelancers earned this much. (Source: MBO Partners)

Good… we’re making progress.

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

Dec 12, 2015

Be careful not to blindly trust reported research findings since most reporting findings are erroneous anyway, as this 2005 paper explains and even proves.

Most research findings are not accurately reporting truth, but they are accurately reporting bias.

It’s safer to interpret most research findings as being studies on bias, not as studies on truth.

Morty Lefkoe

Nov 19, 2015

My friend Morty Lefkoe passed away on November 11th. He had been afflicted with cancer for some time.

Morty helped thousands of people overcome limiting beliefs with the Lefkoe Method, which has been popular with readers. People have sent me numerous emails about how Morty helped them grow beyond their perceived limitations.

I first met Morty in 2009 and loved his enthusiasm for coaching people — and especially his patience and dedication. Rachelle and I also stayed with Morty and his wife Shelly during a road trip to the San Francisco Bay Area a few years ago. I remember that Shelly made us all a delightful vegan dinner.

The Lefkoe Institute is continuing to make Morty’s work available, including his transformational videos, so it’s good to know that the body of work he created will continue helping people.

I’m going to miss Morty, as I’m sure many other people will as well. He touched a lot of lives.

I can just imagine Morty on the other side now… saying things like: So you believe you’re dead? That was just an event. Don’t give it any meaning. Being dead doesn’t mean anything. 🙂