CGC Coaching Call Times Changed to 7am Pacific Time
For 2018 we’ve changed the time of our Conscious Growth Club group video coaching calls from 10am to 7am Pacific time on Thursdays. We’ll be testing this new call time for a month or two, and if it works well, we’ll lock it in for the rest of the year. I’m pretty sure we’ll stick with 7am for the rest of the year though.
We have some pretty active members in Asia, so this makes the coaching call times more accessible to those members, basically putting the middle of the night over the Pacific Ocean. It’s also reasonable for most of our members in the Americas and Europe.
We did our first call at this time today, and it went very well. I’m definitely a morning person and love getting up at 5am and going for a morning run, so 7am is a great peak time for me to be doing these calls.
CGC currently has 97 members in the Early Access group (99 if you count Rachelle and me). I still expect to do the full launch in March of this year, and I’m currently aiming for March 9 to 23 for our launch window. That’s still tentative for now, but I’m looking to lock in the launch dates soon.
In the second half of January, I’ll also record and publish our first full video course to the CGC member portal, which will be on setting and prioritizing goals.
We’ve built some terrific momentum in CGC during the past 8+ months, and there’s a lot of growth-oriented activity in the forums now with members doing physical fitness challenges, exploring cryptocurrency investment, building passive income streams, making lifestyle improvements, and more. Some members even kicked off a 365-day exercise challenge, starting on January 1st.
This will be an especially exciting year as more members join, especially during our official March launch. Two more members just joined this morning. It’s terrific to see people in the group taking the lead and inviting people to join them in various explorations and challenges. I’m absolutely delighted with what we’re building together. 🙂
I’m especially glad that we opened it for Early Access in April of last year and attracted dozens of members right away. This gave me the opportunity to work with the most motivated people to explore what we could co-create together. I had a reasonably clear idea of it from the get-go, and that vision has continued to evolve based on feedback and experimentation along the way. I think this evolutionary development aspect will always be a part of CGC, which must continue to adapt to the needs and desires of our members in order to keep pace with them and to remain a powerful, growth-accelerating resource.
So far, so good…