Bucket List Challenge – Round 2 Begins
Today, November 19, at 11:11 AM Pacific Time, we enthusiastically begin Round 2 of our community Bucket List Challenge. There are 3 rounds total with 4 Zoom calls per round. All the details are spelled out on the Bucket List Challenge page, including the price, which is a very low $333 – so virtually nothing relative to the immense value of massively expanding your experiential range and having some new life experiences that you’d otherwise never get to have.
Yes, you can still join now, and you’ll get all the Round 1 recordings (and those for all three rounds when they’re published). We publish each video to the BLC member portal the same day the live call happens. You can attend any or all of the 8 remaining calls live, or watch the recordings (or both). Same price either way, nice and simple.
Round 1 was a lovely warmup with the encouragement to pick something relatively easy but still richly meaningful. I picked something I’ve never done before, which was to celebrate Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). That was my main one for the first round, but I also had many other fascinating new experiences. Here’s a list I recently shared about it in Conscious Growth Club:
- Celebrating Día de los Muertos with Rachelle for the first time ever. This included learning more about its history and roots, acquiring and setting up decorations in our home (including papel picado), creating our first ofrenda, getting a Día de los Muertos oracle card deck and doing many readings with it (including on a CGC call), going to two local festivals on November 2nd and enjoying music + dance troupes + art + food + vendors + more, acquiring some related art, and connecting a lot more with ancestral energy. This was super lovely all around, and I’m so glad we did it. This was my official selection that I chose during Round 1. I wanted to pick something meaningful and flexible but not overly complex. I’d say this was just perfect for me at this time. It was deeper and richer than I expected, precious even, and I love that we can build upon it in future years.
- Doing a couple’s MDMA session for the first time ever. We’re still in the ripples of that, which is progressing with more insights and transformations each day. This past week has been the sexiest of my life… so shamelessly slutty. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I seem to be ridiculously happy too. This has really cracked open a ton of fresh insights, shifts, and reframes about relationships, sex, and love – and how simple and natural it can all be when the blocks and filters are swept aside.
- Making cannabutter for the first time (from 15 different strains) and testing different amounts of it, ranging from about 100mg to 700mg so far. It’s definitely potent, wonderfully well-balanced, and really useful for deep inner journeys. I like how simple and also precise this exploration method is. It’s such an easygoing and cooperative energy to work with. I’m learning to direct the journeys with it more consciously, telling it what I want to work on and then letting it help me. I feel like I’m pulling out a lot of bent nails and pieces of broken glass that were stuck in my human matrix, like I’m doing energy-level surgery and chiropractic adjustments.
- Trying a new cannabis strain called Strange Haze #8, accepting the invite to define and cast my own intentions and expectations onto it before trying it. It really did flow with what I expected of it.
- Did a deep cannabis inner journey on a plane for the first time (with two Indica gummies), which was perfect for a 4-hour flight. There was something about being 30,000 feet off the ground that made it extra engaging, whereby the symbolism of being high up was woven into the experience.
- Trying a new mushroom variety called Goldmember, which is a hybrid of Golden Teacher and Penis Envy. It was surprisingly gentle and also long-lasting in duration. Since I have access to two other varieties too, this opens up more combos to experiment with as well.
- Went to Chicago and had lots of new experiences there, including as a riverboat tour, hitting up a bunch of museums, and seeing two parades. My favorite part of that trip was seeing a 1921 silent movie (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari) with a live organist. That was such a unique and memorable night – and not something we’d preplanned. We just stumbled upon the theater while walking around.

For Round 2 I’m not prepping a bunch of mental content to share. That was Round 1’s energy, which gave you a very rich and deep framework for identifying, filtering, probing, committing to, and advancing new experiences you’d love to have.
For Round 2 I’m going to host the calls by sensing and flowing where the energy wants to go at each point. The BLC has a consciousness of its own – formed by the collective intentions of everyone participating – and it’s going to take us on a beautiful journey together. All you need to do is show up and be willing to dance with it. I think what it brings up this time will surprise you. I expect to be surprised too because it’s showing me many of the vibes we’ll be working with, but it isn’t showing me the details yet. That tells me it has some surprises up its sleeve.
So please come dance with us through Round 2 of the BLC. Bring your expectations if you wish, but also be open to having them swept aside, so something even better can emerge for all of us.
And oh you’re gonna have so much fun on today’s call. It’s going to be very divergent and creative – and definitely sexy. Don’t wimp out! Show up and participate, and you’ll have a great time!
Skim the details on the Bucket List Challenge invite page if you want, and then follow your heart and trust your intuition, click the Join button on that page, take a minute or two to enroll, and I’ll see you inside!