The New Conscious Life Workshop
I’m delighted to announce that we’re now taking registrations for a brand new 3-day workshop: The Conscious Life Workshop. Call it CLW for short.
This is an all new workshop, so don’t confuse it with past events like the Conscious Growth Workshop or the Conscious Success Workshop.
The focus of CLW is lifestyle design — it’s specifically for people who want to create and enjoy a lifestyle of greater happiness, fulfillment, and heart-centeredness AND to make their path financially sustainable and abundant.
We’ll definitely spend some time helping you identify your desired lifestyle goals, but the bulk of this workshop will be about income generation.
I’ve spelled out the details on the Conscious Life Workshop page, so please visit that to learn all about it.
Here are the basic details, so you can mark your calendar:
Location: Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas (group discount rate on hotel rooms available till July 22)
Dates: August 22-24, 2014 (Fri – Sun)
Cost: $497 with the early bird discount (until July 22) and $597 thereafter
I want to make this workshop very affordable, so I’m keeping the same pricing I’ve been using since 2009. I know a lot of people charge more for workshops that are intended to help people with income generation, but I’m not going to do that. Also, this definitely won’t be one of those events where a bunch of upsells are pushed on you. If you’ve been to any of my past events, then you already know I don’t do that sort of thing. The workshop is designed to be whole and complete unto itself.
I chose the Golden Nugget to host this event partly because I wanted to mix things up a bit. For starters, this is a very affordable hotel, and we have a discount group rate available until July 22, so I wanted to make it a good fit for people who are on a budget. The Golden Nugget has 3 different towers for guest rooms (Carson Tower, Gold Tower, and Rush Tower), so you can opt for a less expensive more classic room or pay a bit more for an upgraded room — the hotel is a nice fit for a range of budgets.
Also, all of my past Vegas workshops have been on the Las Vegas Strip. This one is in downtown Vegas, right on Fremont Street. So it’s a more classic Vegas experience, but for anyone who wants to go to the Strip and hang out there in the evenings, it’s only minutes away by bus or car.
The downtown Vegas area has also been seeing a huge rebirth of renovation, thanks to Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh pumping $350 million of his own money into the Downtown Project.
And another thing — I have a new workshop coordinator helping me out this time. Her name is Ann, so be sure to greet her with a nice big hug when you see her. 🙂
Why Lifestyle Design and Income Generation?
Why this particular topic for a new workshop?
One obvious reason is that a lot of my readers requested it. They want help with income-generating strategies without having to get a lame corporate job or do work they dislike (like cold-hearted Internet marketing crap). For that reason alone, I expect this will be a pretty popular event.
The second reason is more social. There’s a community of hundreds of great people that formed around my live events since I started doing them almost 5 years ago. Even when I’m not doing events, many of these people continue to stay in touch with each other and with me. My girlfriend Rachelle and I first met at my first 3-day workshop in 2009, and I draw a lot of other friends from this community as well. Connecting with people through speaking and live events has become a big part of my social life. So partly I do these events because they’re a lot of fun, because they bring lots of growth-oriented people into my social circle, and because they help growth-oriented people connect with each other, especially people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.
Thirdly, I’ve definitely noticed that many people could use more help on the resource side. There are some great people wanting to center their lives around something other than a lame job, but they’ve been having a hard time getting to their desired place of abundance. I think it would be a nice service to get everyone together in one place and focus on generating some very practical results for the people in the room. I’d even encourage people to start working on some creative, income-generating projects together before the workshop ends.
Most of these people aren’t setting out to be bazillionaires. Many of them are like me in that regard — excessive material luxury doesn’t impress them much. But they’d very much like to reach the point of earning enough income consistently, usually independently too, such that the money situation is handled. Then they’ll know that their bills will be easily paid and their expenses covered, and they can focus more time and attention on what really matters to them, such as exploring personal growth, creating art or music, delving into relationships, traveling, etc.
And fourthly, I’d love to help people improve the way they relate to money — not to see it as a power source or this giant ball of stress, but to relate to money with an attitude of playfulness, growth, and self-expression.
I also want this to be our most co-creative and participatory workshop ever. Don’t expect to be stuck in your chair listening to me lecture the whole time. We’re going to mix it up with games, exercises, social activities, and lots more. Let’s create as much transformation as we can during our 3 days together — and have fun doing it! 🙂
Free Bonuses
A few years ago, I put together a package of free bonuses for attendees of the Conscious Growth Workshop. These bonuses are designed to be helpful for attendees of all workshops, but I’ve made them available free to everyone, whether or not you register for a workshop. See the Free Bonuses page to download them.
Workshop Photos
If you’d like to see what some of our past Las Vegas workshops looked like, check out the Workshop Photos page.
Join us at CLW — you’ll be glad you did! 🙂
Update: Some people have been asking me if we plan to record or broadcast this workshop online. There are no plans to do that. This is very much intended to be a live, in-person experience. And it will be customized for the people who are present in the room.