Subjective Reality Q&A 3
Here are a few more answers to questions I’ve received about Subjective Reality. Aside from the first answer, these will focus on your personal egoic perspective instead of my perspective or the perspective of God-consciousness, so it may be a little more understandable this way, since this is the default perspective you’re already used to.
Is subjective reality the same thing as solipsism (aka egoism)?
No. In fact, from a certain perspective it’s almost the opposite of solipsism.
Solipsism comes from the Latin words for self and alone. It’s a belief system in which you see your personal ego as the center of the universe, and nothing is real but your ego. The whole universe is taking place in your mind, but none of it is actually real. Solipsism is a belief system that can easily encourage (from an objective perspective) social withdrawal and immoral behavior. You would only have cause to care about yourself and no one else, since no one is real anyway.
This is a very different concept than the subjective reality belief system I’ve been writing about. In subjective reality, the universe isn’t centered on your personal ego. That’s a sticking point that a lot of people seem to have trouble with. So if you assume that your own mind is the center of the universe and everything is a projection of it, then you’re really talking about solipsism and not subjective reality. Subjective reality is a somewhat arbitrary term I’ve chosen — a better choice might be God-consciousness, which I started using in the last post.
In subjective reality, the manner in which you identify yourself changes completely. YOU stop thinking of yourself as an individual human being entirely. Rather, you become consciousness itself, the container in which the simulation of reality is run. You can return to the level of egoic consciousness centered on the body you think of as your own (and I’ll use that perspective in the rest of this Q&A because it’s probably easier to understand), but that isn’t your default level of thinking. By default you would think of your body and mine as equally YOU, just as your body’s heart and lungs are equally you.
Furthermore, solipsism doesn’t suggest that you have the power to change your reality by conscious thought. In subjective reality everything is a product of your beliefs, convictions, and knowledge, all of which are thoughts.
So in subjective reality, everything is indeed real. You’re real. I’m real. The physical universe is real. Everything you experience is a manifestation of thought.
If I have my own subjective reality and you have yours, then how do they mesh?
There is only one subjective reality, and it’s yours. What you perceive as my subjective reality is merely a projection of your own thoughts. So there is no meshing between our realities because yours is the only one there is.
If reality is created by thought, then what happens when you and I have conflicting thoughts?
You and I cannot have conflicting thoughts because only you have thoughts. I do not have thoughts, nor does anyone else in your reality. You are the only thinker there is. Everything else is a manifestation of your thoughts, including the perception that other people have thoughts (to the degree that this is congruent with your beliefs).
The only thoughts you perceive are your own. You may assume those thoughts are coming from your body (they aren’t) and that all the other people you see have bodies that produce thoughts you can’t perceive (they don’t).
Your body is a projection of your thoughts, just like everything else you’ve manifested. Thought manifests bodies, not the other way around. Nothing has any power in your reality except thought itself. Nothing.
Ok, so if I’m the only one who has thoughts, then what happens when my thoughts conflict?
The conflict will be resolved in accordance with your beliefs. If you hold multiple thoughts that conflict with each other, then whichever thought is dominant will manifest. For example, if you hold the belief that a coin flip will land either heads or tails, then whichever thought is dominant will determine the precise way the coin lands. If you believe that the coin landing will be determined by randomness subject to the laws of probability, then the outcome will appear random in accordance with the laws of probability.
Hence, if you want a thought to become dominant, you must cancel any higher order thoughts that would dominate it. If you wish to control the outcome of a coin flip, you must first negate your belief in the laws of probability.
I can negate the laws of probability? But they have always been true in the past. How can I possibly change something like that?
The past is merely a projection of your consciousness as well. In truth there is no past. There is only the present moment, and in this present moment you create the concept of past, assign it memories, and grant it power. Because you believe the past controls the present, that manifests as part of your reality. But the past is only a manifestation — it has no power other than what you grant it by your thoughts.
So are you saying I can change the past?
Yes, if you believe you can. You’re the one who created it in the first place.
But mathematical laws such as the laws of probability are proven facts. How can I possibly violate them?
When you think of mathematical laws as facts, you are creating, not observing.
All facts are merely choices. Your decisions about the nature of reality manifest facts as well as their proof. You can “unfactify” any fact you wish, and then it will no longer hold power in your reality.
So why can’t I affect the laws of probability right now?
Because you believe you can’t. Whatever you know to be impossible for you is impossible for you.
Who are you?
I am a manifestation of your thoughts. You believe I exist; therefore, I exist. My existence will be subject to your expectations. If you believe I can be helpful to you, then I will be helpful. If you believe I am misguided, then that will be your experience of me.
What if I spend time thinking about what I don’t want, like worrying?
Then you will manifest what you don’t want. To hold a thought at all is to choose to manifest it. If you do not wish to manifest something, then do not give it any thought. Turn your attention to what you want instead.
If my thoughts create this reality, then how can I learn anything new?
The manifestation of learning will occur in accordance with your beliefs. Whatever you expect learning to be like, that’s how it will be. If you expect books and courses to contain useful information, they will. If you believe there are people “out there” creating new things for you to learn, then you will manifest those items in your reality.
How long does it take for thoughts to manifest?
All thought manifests instantly in this present moment. If you believe it takes time for thoughts to manifest, then you will perceive the passage of time and the sensation of gradual manifestation because that will be your entire “thought package.” If you believe thoughts often don’t manifest, then they often won’t.
Your highest order, most certain beliefs, have the greatest control over what you manifest. The more certainty you assign a thought, the more it controls your reality, like a software program running in the background. Whenever you create a new belief, you essentially launch another background process that will continue manifesting indefinitely until and unless you choose to delete or replace it.
How do I create thoughts that will manifest?
You create them in your imagination. This requires that you imagine what you wish to create as being real, not merely as being fantasy. The more energy and certainty you put into a thought, the more dominant it becomes.
If you try to hold a thought that is incongruent with your subconscious beliefs, then you will feel the sensation of inner conflict. Conflicting thoughts will surface to tell you the new thought simply does not fit. If you try to hold the thought, “I can fly,” you will experience conflicting thoughts such as “I’ve never flown before” and “Flying is impossible due to gravity.”
Whichever thoughts are most dominant will overwrite the incongruent ones.
What if I want to manifest a seemingly impossible thought that conflicts with more dominant ones?
You must first uproot the dominant beliefs and replace them with new beliefs that are congruent with the new thought you wish to implant. Then you can implant the new thought, and it will take hold very easily. Thoughts which are congruent with your existing beliefs manifest effortlessly.
If you want to manifest the ability to fly, you must first uproot and replace all the beliefs that make flying impossible, including the belief in gravity; your past’s ability to affect your present; the belief that you can’t fly by thought alone; the belief that other people believe you can’t fly, so you can’t; etc. All of those beliefs must be replaced by new thoughts that are congruent with your ability to fly. Then you will be able to fly, just as easily as you can read.
How do I change a belief?
By imagining its opposite as real and by imagining the original belief as no longer real. This will implant the new belief, assuming that you have already uprooted all conflicting beliefs.
What if deep down, I don’t believe that my thoughts control my reality?
If that is your most dominant belief, then you will be powerless to affect reality by changing your thoughts, regardless of the particular method you use.
Only when you begin to uproot this belief and start to imagine its opposite will you have any power to affect your reality through thought.
What if I’m not certain about what I believe?
Then you will manifest uncertainty. Your reality will appear uncertain and confusing.
So why can’t you fly?
Because you believe I can’t fly. Hence you will never see me fly as long as you continue to hold that belief.
So if I believed you could fly, then you could fly?
Yes. But it would be more accurate to say this: If you knew I could fly, then I could fly. If you knew you could fly, then you could fly.
But what if you believe you can fly, but I’m certain you can’t, and you go jump off a tall building and try to fly?
Then you will see me leap to my death in spectacular fashion.
But if the world is created by my thoughts, then why does it seem so stable day after day?
In truth there is no day after day. There is only the present moment, which is the only place where thought has power. At this time you believe in the past and the future, and you believe the past, present, and future must have a certain continuity, so that is real for you. If you believe the past, present, and future could be discontinuous, then that would be your reality, and you would have more power in the present than you do now.
Why do I feel depressed sometimes?
Because you hold thoughts that make you powerless.
So how do I overcome depression?
Stop holding thoughts that make you powerless, and reclaim ones that restore your power. Also, stop giving thought to what you don’t want. Turn your full attention to think only of what you do want, regardless of the current state of your manifested reality.
But sometimes I can’t help but think of depressing thoughts?
Then you will experience the inability to control your thoughts in accordance with your expectations. In other words, you will be stuck in depression.
Depression seems like a vicious cycle then. If my depressed thinking manifests powerlessness, how can I reclaim my power to overcome depression when I’m feeling powerless to begin with?
Search for the most empowering thought you can hold which is congruent with your reality. You will find something that you believe will diminish your feeling of powerlessness, even in your current self-limiting state. Focus your attention on what you believe to be within your control right now, and use it as a wedge to increase your power more and more. It may mean going to see a funny movie that will lift your spirits, talking to a friend, or saying a prayer to ask for divine help. Whatever you think has a shot of increasing your power, do it.
Think the most empowering thoughts you can. Take the most empowering actions you can. Through this process you will restore more and more of your natural power, and your depression will soon lift. If you ever decide to return to the state of depression, you need only hold thoughts of powerlessness, and you will become depressed once again.
So what is the purpose of life?
The purpose of your existence is whatever you believe it to be. You are free to manifest whatever you choose to believe. By making the decision to experience powerlessness in varying degrees, that is what you have manifested. But of course you always have a way back to your original state of full consciousness. It is simply a matter of reclaiming more and more of your natural power to manifest by pure thought.
But what about my job, personal possessions, and all that?
Those are your manifestations. If you enjoy that level of existence, then continue manifesting it by thinking of the perpetuation of these conditions. If you wish to manifest something else, then withdraw your thoughts from your current conditions and imagine something else as real.
What about wars and famine and things like that? Am I manifesting those too? If so, how can I stop doing that?
Yes, you are manifesting those too. The way to stop manifesting them is to stop imagining them as real. Nothing that you do not imagine as real can manifest.
So if I want to manifest psychic abilities, then I must first get myself to believe that I can?
Yes. Otherwise if you believe psychic experiences to be impossible, then you won’t be able to manifest them. You can never manifest what you know to be impossible.
This is too weird.
If that is your belief, then weirdness is what you will manifest.