The Power of Spirit Event Now Open for Enrollment
I’m happy to share that our new live Zoom event – The Power of Spirit – is now open for you to enroll, so I’ll point you to the invitation post for all the glorious details. Then you can decide if you want to join us for this immersive weekend deep dive into spirit space. It’s happening October 7 & 8, 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Pacific Time each day.
The whole event will be recorded, and you’ll get the recordings too. We’re also including two guided ceremonies as part of the experience: the Fire Ceremony on Saturday to release misaligned patterns and the Water Ceremony on Sunday to cleanse and purify your personal energy. And yes it’s all done online, so you can fully participate from the comfort of your home.
I encourage you to read the invite post. At the very least, take a moment to skim through the list of topics since that should make it easy for you to see if you’re a match for it.
Namaste. 😄🍄