CLW Early Bird Discount Ends in 3 Days
FYI the $100 early bird discount for the upcoming Conscious Life Workshop (October 14-16 in Las Vegas) is good through Wednesday, September 14th. So on September 15th, the price will increase from $497 to $597. About 80% of people who register for a workshop take advantage of the discount and sign up early.
CLW is designed to help you upgrade your lifestyle, including helping you define what you desired lifestyle looks like and creating ways to fund your lifestyle, with a target income of $10,000 per month or more. If that sounds like a dream to you, then you really need to hang out with people who are already doing it, and you’ll realize it could be your reality too.
Topics I’ll cover include lifestyle design, discovering your desires, your relationship with life, lifestyle exploration, your relationship with money, generating income, strategies for earning $10K per month, passive income, finding work you enjoy, serving others, and transition plans. There will also be plenty of time for personalized attention and Q&A. This is a workshop for people who really want to make changes and get results, not for those who just want to take notes to ponder later.
From experience and feedback, I can say that the most transformational aspect of the workshop is the chance to hang out with like-minded people who are going through similar transitions. This creates a powerful “let’s do it now” attitude in the room, where many people start making lifestyle changes before they’ve even left the city.
I’ve worked through similar transitions myself, and it’s great to be reaping the benefits of lifestyle freedom these days, so I can actually have a life instead of being glued to my desk like I was in my 20s. In two days I’m taking my 4th international trip of this year, first to London and then to Rome (first time in Italy). So I’ll be coming off a Roman holiday shortly before doing this workshop, which should put me in a pretty happy mood.
This is the second time we’re running this workshop, and I’m making numerous improvements to it based on feedback from the 2014 version. That version got stellar reviews, as you can see on the workshop testimonials, but there’s always room for continued improvement.
I hope you sign up. It’s going to be a fun weekend with lots of growth-oriented people. This is one of my favorite workshops because it’s such an energizing topic, and I’m really looking forward to it. 🙂