CGC Questions Answered
The Frequently Asked Questions page for Conscious Growth Club has been updated for Year 6. The FAQ answers many questions about CGC and what it’s like inside – for those who are thinking about joining. Check it out here:
We have 125 spots max for Year 6, which is open for enrollment now, meaning that you can begin your membership right away. New members are already introducing themselves in the CGC forums.
So far 36 spots for CGC Year 6 have already been claimed, so there are 89 spots left. You have until midnight Pacific time on Tuesday, May 3rd to join, or until all remaining spots are gone, whichever comes first. So that’s less than 6.5 days to go – and you could be enjoying those days in CGC too if you join us right now.
Some members from previous CGC years have rejoined for Year 6 as well, which is great to see.
It’s fine to talk about CGC in other places – this isn’t Fight Club! – but I encourage you to be selective about sharing the invite page with people outside of this community. We’ve really evolved a beautiful culture inside CGC with a lot of compersion (i.e. feeling happy for each others’ successes and happiness), and I very much want to protect and build upon that.
On the CGC invitation page, you’ll find some qualifications to help you see if you’re a good match for CGC’s culture, values, and international membership. Note that CGC is a very vegan-friendly, LGBTQ-friendly, and anti-racist community. Many members are into entrepreneurship, fitness, travel, and productivity as well, among many other interests.
Will this be your year for major upgrades? If so, join us!