CGC Early Access Progress Update
We’re making good progress towards opening up early access for Conscious Growth Club. So far 50+ people have expressed interest in signing up for early access, which is awesome! 🙂
Our new Conscious Growth Club discussion group is already online, running Discourse on a cloud server. Discourse is way better than the VBulletin forums we used to have from 2006 to 2011, and it has many more features than a Facebook group. Plus it’s completely ad-free. This will give us the means to have our own private discussions and work on our growth challenges without Facebook’s many distractions. CGC members can easily create their own subgroups too, which can be used for accountability groups for taking action or to collaborate on creative projects with other members.
A few people who are experienced with building passive income streams have also said they’ll be happy to share their lessons and strategies with the group, so that will be especially nice for those who want to build new income streams. Who needs a job these days anyway? 😉
I made a quick and dirty temporary logo for the new forums. We can have something more professional created later, but this should work okay as a placeholder.
I still have a lot of configuration to do on the discussion group, but it’s coming along well. Discourse is highly customizable, so there are about 30 different config screens to go through, many with dozens of settings. I’m a bit bleary-eyed from staring at those screens for too many hours today. When I close my eyes now, I see checkboxes scrolling by.
I expect we can start inviting the early access people into the discussion group sometime this month.
I think we should stick with the name Conscious Growth Club. The feedback on it has been very positive overall, and I haven’t seen any suggestions that seem better. So let’s run with it!
People have been expressing a lot of enthusiasm for CGC. Several people have told me that the timing of this project is a major synchronicity for them. I’m really sensing that we’re collectively manifesting something wonderful together. It’s very motivating!