CGC at 35 Members and Growing Fast
It hasn’t even been 72 hours since I began sending out Early Access invites for Conscious Growth Club, and we’re already up to 35 members (37 if you count Rachelle and me). So it’s wonderful to see so much interest this soon. 🙂
I thought it would take a while to ramp up, but people are diving in, introducing themselves, welcoming each other, and sharing their growth challenges and goals right away. Our new members have already started 63 threads and posted 611 messages in less than 3 days. I can see we’re going to build a lot of momentum just this week.
I’m sure we’ll get more signups throughout the weeks ahead. There’s a natural incentive for people to sign up sooner for Early Access since all this time is a free bonus tacked on to the beginning of the one-year membership, and that year doesn’t start counting down until we do the full launch.
I finished sending invites to the people on the Early Access notification list, so we can gradually open it up to more people now. If you’re interested in Early Access too, just drop me a message via my contact page to let me know, and I’ll be happy to send you an invite with the link to join.