Go Rogue - Join Us Live January 28-31, 2025

Here's the invitation for our new Go Rogue event this week:

Go Rogue has a clear, crisp purpose.

The purpose of Go Rogue is to amplify your inner harmony, so you can be more cooperative with yourself. This means that your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are very supportive of your goals, interests, and desires. So it's easy to automatically do what moves you in the direction of positive growth. You maintain a delightful sense of positive flow, knowing that you'll make wise decisions as you go.

Many people, however, struggle with rogue inner patterns – thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that work against them and create some stuckness – such as procrastination, hesitation, and self-doubt. These patterns can waste and drain a lot of energy. It's like trying to push on a car's accelerator while also applying the brake.

During our time together in Go Rogue – two hours per day for four days in a row I'll work with you to identify and release some of this stuck energy by helping you change how you engage with these rogue parts of yourself. This includes re-aligning those patterns for cooperation instead of resistance. Get your inner team members pointing in the same direction.

Now there's another key aspect of Go Rogue as well, which is your experience of outer harmony with the world around you. Wherever you are, do you feel you belong? We're going to explore the connection between your sense of belongingness and the inner harmony that you create and maintain within yourself.

You may have heard the expression As within, so without. The full version is actually: As within, so without. As above, so below. As the universe, so the soul.

You're an incredibly unique person. No one on earth has ever had the life experiences that you've had. Your path of growth ahead will surely be unique as well. You can learn from others, and you can share parts of your journey with people too, but ultimately all the big decisions about your life are yours to make.

Of all the different paths a human life can take, you're the only one who's following your particular path. No one else.

Since you're guaranteed to be different from everyone else, how can you possibly feel that you belong?

One way people try to create a sense of belonging is by trying to fit in and be more similar to others. They look for commonalities and try to connect based on sameness. Taken to the extreme, this can lead to people-pleasing behavior. You're also likely to become immersed in partial matches and mismatches. People will make assumptions about you that aren't actually true because they're unaware of how different you really are. This can lead to friendships and other relationships that are pretty tenuous and not very aligned with who you really are.

Another option is isolation, hiding, and withdrawal. Conclude that no one is really ever going to understand you, and live your life on your own terms without really trying to form strong bonds with people. How can you truly trust people when everyone is different?

But there's a more powerful option here, which is to connect based on your uniqueness instead of your sameness. That may seem counterintuitive, but as it turns out, when you accept and integrate your inner rogue aspects, you invite a similar outer realignment to happen as well.

Deepening your inner acceptance and harmony invites greater social harmony too. By respecting, honoring, and restoring dignity to your inner rogue elements, you invite respect and dignity in your relations with others. This in turn awakens a deeper and more stable sense of belonging – one based on being true to yourself, not on conforming to expectations so you can fit in.

So our purpose here is essentially two-fold:

  1. Increase your inner harmony (cooperation, integration, centeredness).
  2. Increase your outer harmony (belongingness, respect, teamwork).

Thus, the intention is for Go Rogue to serve as a harmonic amplifier. Increase the level of harmony and flow that you experience both inside and out.

Energy Work for Greater Harmony

Joining us for Go Rogue includes doing some energy work together – specifically with your inner rogue and everyone else’s too. We’ll embark on this experience as a group, supporting and encouraging each other as we go.

The vibrational invitation here is to sense, open, reveal, discover, acknowledge, accept, forgive, release, grieve, heal, liberate, lighten, reconnect, reclaim, trust, harmonize, reintegrate, love, energize, amplify, appreciate, delight, and celebrate.

Do you want to work with these energies with us? They are powerful, positive, and supportive energies, but they can also be intense at times. However, we're going to invite them into our space with the intention to work with us gently yet also deeply.

These are all verbs because we'll be actively working with these energies in a variety of engaging ways. This will include some exercises for you to do as we go. Most are actually quite simple.

Nothing of a participatory nature will be forced or pressured, only gently invited. There will be some sharing and participation options for those who join us for the live experience, and that will always be on a volunteer basis. You're free to determine your own level of engagement with the experience. You can participate actively with the social elements, or you can hang back and explore with us in a more relaxed way. Turn your webcam on, or keep it off. Your choice.

Free Yourself of Disharmonious Patterns

Some energies that we’ll work together on releasing include the patterns of conformity, self-doubt, hesitation, second-guessing, hiding, distrust, disappointment, isolation, fear, worry, loneliness, disconnection, rejection, abandonment, shame, and regret.

Those are disharmonious patterns, so of course it's helpful to release them and let them go. These can be tough energies to release though, so it’s important for us to create a space that’s sensitive, caring, kind, compassionate, and encouraging. I ask you to help me in co-creating a warm and supportive container in which some wonderful transformations can unfold. Let’s allow this unfolding to be as easy as it can be.

Do you want to work with me and the group to invite and strengthen these harmonizing energies within you and also release disharmonious patterns? I've seen some beautiful shifts happen when people engage in this kind of energy work together. We pool our intentional energy to strengthen the impact for all.


We'll do this as a series of four live Zoom calls in four days. The live calls happen January 28-31, 2025 (Tuesday through Friday). Same two-hour span each day: 10 AM - Noon Pacific Time.

So it's 10 AM to Noon Pacific Time for these four days:

  • Tuesday January 28
  • Wednesday January 29
  • Thursday January 30
  • Friday January 31

You'll get the recordings too, and we'll post them day by day – just allow a few hours after each call for it to be posted. You'll get the videos, audio versions, and copies of the text chat logs.

If you need to skip one or more calls and use the recordings, feel free. You don't have to attend live, but live is always better than recorded because you'll sync up nicely with the group energy that way. Live is more potent.

I'll be hosting every call personally, with assistance from my lovely wife Rachelle.

There will be some variety in how we do this. Some parts will be a little ceremonial in nature. Other parts will invite some sharing (for those who want to share – you don’t have to). And other parts will invite you to take a deeper look within you and reassess and change how you treat and relate to different parts of yourself.

I'll also share how you can make some simple physical changes to your home or workspace to strengthen your inner harmony.


The price for this is $121 USD.

Why $121? That's a bit of a rogue price, isn't it? Well, I chose this price very intentionally to align with our purpose. And yes, it is a rogue price. It wants to be different. It doesn't seek to conform to expectations.

I chose this price by allowing my mind to float and sensing what price was correct. A number of options popped in, and $121 felt the most correct.

The number 121 is 11 squared, so it encapsulates an 11-11. Those 11s represent the individual rogue elements within us, awaiting the call to greater harmony.

The number 121 is nicely balanced and symmetrical, like a pyramid. It's also a line from Pascal's Triangle, and Blaise Pascal was a bit of a rogue and a pioneer in his day, even though he only lived to be 39.

The $121 price feels just right for attracting very aligned people, so we can have a rich and meaningful experience with those who are willing to support each other and advance and grow together.

Please note that there are no refunds. I invite you to show up and let me guide you through the experience, or you can follow the recordings when you're ready. I'll do my part. You do yours. Let's not water down the experience by trying to scoop up more people who'd only join in a less committed way. For this kind of work, the alignment of our intentions matters, so let's begin with strong alignment and build upon it.

Join Us

I sense that Go Rogue is going to be really deep, meaningful, and beautiful for those who choose to join in and be a part of this. As I've been prepping for it, I've been seeing some wonderful syncs along the way. It truly feels that there are some cooperative energies already flowing into our collective space to help us grow.

Come be part of this growth journey with us, and emerge on the other side as a changed person who enjoys greater inner and outer harmony and knows how to keep increasing it. That's a powerful set of life skills to adopt and integrate.

If you sense this is right for you, click the Join button, fill out the sign-up form, and you'll land on a nice welcome page that will give you the Zoom link to join the call. You'll also get access to the recordings as soon as they're posted.

You know what's best for you. Access that inner knowing, and if you choose to partake, I'll see you inside.

Let's reconnect!

Steve Pavlina