Secure Attachment and Investment

In psychology there are three general ways to relate to other people, depending on how you interpret and manage emotional risk. You can avoid deep emotional investments in people (avoidant attachment). You can try to control other people (anxious attachment). You can intelligently bond with people and invest in secure relationships (secure attachment). You can…

How to Commit to a 365-Day Challenge

One way to pick a good 365-day challenge is to think about what would permanently transform your relationship with some aspect of life if you live that one year of your life a bit differently. Even though you’re just doing some specific action or behavior each day, keeping that up for a full year will…

Can You Trust a Life of Fun?

During my late teens, each time I got caught shoplifting and had to deal with the consequences, my mind would dwell on what I could have done differently. I went over and over different actions I could have taken to avoid the arrest. This helped me get better at shoplifting. Each arrest or near-arrest made…

Proactive Boundary Management

A recent gift from a friend included a question card deck, and one of the questions was: What is one of the most valuable lessons you have learned in the past year? I’d say my biggest lesson of this year was to more deeply understand the relationship between intelligent boundary management and investing in deep…

Listening to Your Energy

I often begin my days by asking: What wants to come through? What energy wants to be expressed? Then I listen. Sometimes I listen with my mind or body. Sometimes I listen with my heart. And sometimes it feels like I’m listening with my spirit. I feel like there’s a collective idea space where thoughts…

When You’re Right and Everyone Else Is Wrong

What kind of relationship do you have with the judgmental and righteous part of yourself? Some people may not know or acknowledge that you’re right, but you’re convinced of it. On the outside you may have a calibration issue in terms of how much of your righteousness to share and express with the world. You…

Receiving Big Love

In yesterday’s post I wrote about expressing and exploring Big Love. Now let’s consider the receiving side. Be receptive to other people’s expression of love, even when it’s not individually directed to you. Allow yourself to feel gratitude and appreciation for the gifts that other people share with the world, as if those gifts were…

Big Love

Loving another person is one form of love, but you can also love a grand purpose or vision that doesn’t directly involve loving a specific person. By expressing love at the individual level, you may make another person happier. But by channeling love into an expression of purpose, you may delight or inspire a great…

NaNoWriMo – Days 13-15

We’re halfway through NaNoWriMo 2020, and my novel is now at 26,344 words. Since this is the halfway point – with 50K words in 30 days being the goal – I should be at 25K words now, so I’m 1344 words ahead. I think it was a wise decision to get ahead of the 1667…

Desperation Loyalty

Desperation loyalty is remaining loyal to a group or identity based on neediness or clinginess, often in violation of more important values. It is a place of stuckness that elevates loyalty to others above the commitment to grow. It’s relatively easy to spot this in other people. It’s harder to spot this in ourselves. If…