Paris Trip
Rachelle and I are currently planning a trip to Paris. I’m not sure when we’ll leave — it depends on how long it takes to make the arrangements. But I expect we’ll be there sometime in August.
This will be our first time visiting Europe. I know… it’s about time!
We’re leaning towards staying at a vegan bed and breakfast in the Champs-Élysées area, which we’ve been told is a nice location if we want to do the touristy stuff.
We intend to be in town for at least a week (probably 10-14 days). We might do some day trips away from the city too.
We may also do a Paris meetup if there are enough people interested in one.
Why Paris?
For reasons that probably won’t mean much to anyone else, Paris is #1 on my list of places to explore. Same goes for Rachelle. So we’re putting our energy into making that a reality. There’s no point in diluting our intention by thinking about other places right now.
I’ll visit other places when I desire to do so, but presently I’m ordering up a serving of Paris. Any potential destinations other than Paris have been summarily guillotined.
Good Time for Travel
I just finished a months-long project getting the new workshops scheduled and launched, and I have a window of several weeks before I’ll start prepping for CGW in September and SRW in October, so this is a good time to travel. My next decent travel window isn’t till November.
I’m super pleased with how the new workshops are being received. The initial registrations have been stronger than I’ve ever seen, and my website’s single-day sales record is now double what it was before. Dozens of first timers have been signing up, and there are plenty of returning CGW alumni I recognize as well, so this is creating an awesome mix. Many people signed up for multiple workshops too.
It was a lot of work getting this project completed, and I certainly pushed myself with some long workdays to get everything done. Going from one workshop to four was an ambitious expansion, but I feel good about it, and I’m glad to see that there’s been serious interest in every new workshop. The timing was right, and everything lined up nicely.
I’m really looking forward to delivering these workshops in the months ahead. I’ve been so obsessed with them that I keep having dreams about them — it feels like I’ve experienced each of them several times now. I’m especially looking forward to connecting with so many awesome people. But at the moment, I’m very glad to have the opportunity to switch gears and take some much needed time off.
I’m especially looking forward to reloading some French (got straight-As in French all through high school). I had fun doing that in Montreal last year, but I was only there for 4 days. I was amazed at how quickly it started coming back to me, but the most difficult part was trying to recall so much forgotten vocabulary.
I’m aware that Paris and veganism aren’t the best of buddies, but fortunately there are sites like HappyCow that make it easy to find veg-friendly eats just about anywhere in the world, so I’m sure we’ll manage. I know they have grapes there. 🙂
Edit: It’s confirmed. We’re flying to Paris on July 28 and staying for 2 weeks.