Free Sample Chapter of Personal Development for Smart People
You can now download a Free PDF that includes the Introduction and Chapter 1 of my book. Feel free to share this with anyone you think would be interested in it.
This PDF doesn’t include the nice formatting and layout of the print book, but the content is the same.
The subject of Chapter 1 is Truth, which is the first of the seven universal growth principles in the book: Truth, Love, Power, Oneness, Authority, Courage, and Intelligence.
I think you’ll enjoy the personal assessment exercise near the end of this chapter. It will give you a clearer idea of where you’ve been allowing denial and falsehood to creep into your life — and what you can do about it. Many problems can be solved simply by bringing more truth to the situation, especially in the areas of career and relationships.
Raw Spirit Festival
Presently I’m in Sedona, Arizona, for the Raw Spirit Festival, which kicks off in a few hours. I can see from the schedule that it’s packed with activity all weekend long, so I probably won’t have the opportunity to do any more blogging until I return next week. I’m looking forward to learning more about the raw diet, meeting others members of this community, and of course tasting everything that’s still alive. I just have to remember that wheat grass juice and raw chocolate do not mix well in my stomach. 🙂