Thank You
Lately I’ve been feeling very grateful for all the good fortune that has come my way. Actually I shouldn’t say “lately” since I’ve had this feeling from the first day I launched this site. While much of it was the result of conscious choice, it never would have happened if not for the support I’ve received from all of you. So I want to pause for a moment and express my gratitude for what you’ve co-created with me.
Thank you for the traffic.
I’m grateful for all the traffic, since it means that every time I post something on this web site, I have the opportunity to touch a lot of people’s lives. It takes the same amount of time to write an article that’s read by 100 people vs. one that’s read by 100,000 people, but the latter provides more value with no extra effort.
Thank you for the feedback.
I appreciate the encouraging feedback. Even though I can’t reply to everyone, I’m still able to read everything I get. It’s a real treat for me to see all the creative ways people are applying these ideas.
Thank you for the impact.
I feel privileged to have helped people make major life changes for the better. Some of the stories I’ve read have literally brought me to tears. It’s overwhelming to think of all the good that has occurred as the result of the intention to serve the highest good of all, and I’m delighted to see others carrying that intention into their own lives.
Thank you for the reach.
What I love most about giving away ideas for free is that I’m able to reach people who can’t or won’t pursue their personal growth in other ways. I’ve received many emails that start like this: “I’ve never been into personal development, but I stumbled upon your site while looking for X, and I ended up reading for two hours straight. By the time I was done, I felt like a different person.” These people aren’t going to buy a book or sign up for a seminar, but they’ll read a free online article, and it gets them started on the path of conscious growth. I’m grateful to those who created and refined the technology that makes all of this possible.
Thank you for the growth.
The amount of personal growth I’ve experienced as a result of running this site has been incredible. My head is still spinning from all the changes that have occurred in the last two years. I have to credit most of this growth to the challenge of keeping up with such an intelligent audience. You help me see my own blind spots and grow through them.
Thank you for helping me fulfill my purpose.
My purpose is to grow and to help others grow. The greatest reward of my work is watching people experience those aha moments that leave them forever changed, the kind that spawn new relationships, new careers, better health, and much greater joy. I love being a catalyst for these changes, but the real credit goes to you for deciding to live consciously and acting on that decision.
Thank you for the experience.
I take an experiential approach to life, and running this site has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It keeps twisting, turning, and branching in delightful new directions. I live in a constant state of excitement about what is to come next. I believe this experience is a result of the ongoing energy exchange with all of you, so I’m grateful that you’ve decided to be a part of this.
Thank you for the referrals.
Thank you for referring your friends, family, and co-workers to Traffic growth is almost entirely due to word of mouth, so chances are you’re here because someone else referred you. This month the site should reach about 1.3 million visitors, so that’s a lot of referrals. I appreciate that we’ve developed a bond of trust that enables you to send your friends and relatives here in abundance.
Thank you for the lifestyle.
As a result of your support (whether direct or indirect), Erin and I enjoy tremendous freedom. You’ve put us in the wonderful position of being able to spend each day together working from our strengths, doing what we love, and making a contribution. Instead of asking, “How are we going to pay the bills?” we’re able to focus on questions like, “How can we help more people?” Your support helps us concentrate on serving the highest good of all without distraction, and for that I’m truly grateful.
The whole is so much greater than the sum of its parts, so this list adds up to a lot of gratitude. Collectively we’re having a massive positive impact on this planet, and most of us are just getting started on this path.
Thank you for being part of this amazing manifestation.