Manifesting Intentions
With respect to the intention-manifestation model of goal achievement mentioned in the previous post, like many others who’ve tried it, I have some difficulty applying it. When I’m at my most conscious, I’m able to focus my intentions congruently, and my goals begin to manifest with relative ease. However, sometimes I sink to a lower level of awareness and succumb to those conflicting thoughts and then have to deal with their manifestations as well. So the limiting factor seems to be my ability to keep my thoughts focused on what I want instead of putting mental energy into thinking about what I don’t want. Think of it like learning to manage mental karma.
I was curious about why this seems to be the case, so a few weeks ago, I put out the intention to get an answer to this question. I often use focused intention to get answers to questions, and it works quite well. I don’t blindly accept the answers — I use them as pointers for where to look, so everything runs through the intellect to see if it makes sense.
My question was, “Why is it that I seem to clearly understand the intention-manifestation process and can sometimes apply it to achieve wonderful results, but other times I cannot seem to focus enough on what I want without also harboring thoughts of what I don’t want?”
Then I waited for the answer to arrive.
And as usually occurs when I do this sort of thing, within a couple days I started noticing some interesting synchronicities. They were all instances of an early 1980s TV show called The Greatest American Hero. References to this show kept popping up around me, even though I hadn’t even thought about that show for years.
That was one of my favorite shows when I was 10 years old, so I still remembered it well. And it gave me the answer I was looking for.
If you aren’t familiar with the show, it’s about a high school teacher named Ralph who gets a visit from a UFO. The aliens give him a super suit which gives him powers, including flight, invisibility, and psychometry. The only problem is that he loses the instruction manual that came with the suit. So while he’s able to figure out and use some of the powers, he does so very badly. When he flies he’s always flapping his arms hysterically and crashing into things like walls, trees, and cars.
That answer made a lot of sense to me. Essentially the answer was, “Yes, intention-manifestation is a special power that humans possess, but you don’t fully understand how to use it yet.” It’s like having Ralph’s super suit without the instruction manual. You can still apply it, but only badly.
When I put out intentions to receive answers, they often come back in the form of synchronicities that lead to information, sometimes in symbolic form. Usually the symbols are obvious and easy to interpret. Sometimes the first synchronicity is also a trailhead. If you follow it, it can provide even more clues.
I decided to follow this trail, so I rented the first season of The Greatest American Hero on DVD (via Netflix). It was nostalgic to watch some of these old shows, and one of the first season episodes had a long sequence shot at CSUN, where I went to college about 10 years after that episode first aired. But the main thing I noticed was how the main characters’ discoveries and experiences were paralleling some of the things I was doing in my life right now. It was like the show was a symbolic representation of certain things I was learning. Ultimately the show gave me a lot of clues for other things to look into, which lead to some further answers.
One of my main goals is to learn more about how to use this intention-manifestation model and to better understand how it works. I can’t use the scientific method to explore it — no one can — because I can’t objectify my thoughts and separate them out to study them. But that doesn’t prevent me from exploring it on my own. Under this model it’s impossible to convince anyone that it works in any objective sense. Why? Because if you don’t believe in intention-manifestation, then that itself is an intention to manifest the failure of this model, so that’s what you’ll experience. But if you choose to believe it can work and will work, then it suddenly begins to work.
It’s unfortunate that there’s no way to convince someone this model works if they don’t already believe it works because that person will simply generate their own intentions to block anything that would convince them otherwise. But on the other hand, there seems to be so much power and potential in exploring this model, that I am eager to explore it further.
Many people would see the intention-manifestation model as a purely subconscious phenomenon. You convince yourself that something is true and thus become a self-fulfilling prophecy. And that is one way for this model to manifest results. There are many times where I could say the results might have come from subconscious action, such as when you notice a certain book in a bookstore. And of course this model can also manifest through direct action — you intend to do something, and then you do it. I don’t think it’s much of a stretch for people to accept that we can achieve results both through conscious and subconscious action.
But what about superconscious action? Can you generate results without physically doing anything to create them? Can you manifest real-world physical stuff just by willing it to be so?
This is what I’ve been experimenting with lately. The challenge is to separate out what I might be subconsciously creating below my level of awareness. And that seems to be something of an impossible task without bringing in outside observers, and then those observers would corrupt the experiment with their own intentions. This is where The Greatest American Hero reference fits. There’s no instruction manual.
But even though I can’t do experiments that would be able to convince anyone who wasn’t already convinced, that limitation doesn’t prevent me from getting some interesting results. I can’t separate the subconscious effects from the superconscious ones, but the interesting thing is that from the perspective of getting results, that doesn’t actually matter. If I believe in the superconscious effects, then the results are greater than if I don’t. It could be that a belief in the superconscious merely drives the subconscious effects into high gear. But even if that is what’s happening, it’s still a positive result.
I’ve been doing a lot of experiments over the past few months, trying to manifest different things, and not worrying so much as to whether they’re coming about through subconscious or superconscious action. I just let the intention decide how it wants to manifest without trying to control it. So far this has been working really well. I’ve even been able to co-create some interesting things with my wife, especially when we go out on dates.
After doing a lot of little experiments, last week I decided to focus on manifesting some extra cash, just to see if I could do it. Within two days I had received or found an extra $115. But by the end of the week, the total was up to $4332. None of this was from regular income sources. It was all “found money.” $1000 of it was expected. The rest was totally unexpected. During that week my regular income also went up after I did some Adsense optimizations. In fact, yesterday yielded the highest revenue ever, more than the entire first month’s total. So not only was the extra cash created, but a (likely permanent) income boost also occurred. Interesting….
I’ll certainly continue experimenting with this model. Material stuff isn’t the most important thing to me though, so I’m putting a lot more energy into intentions related to gaining understanding and knowledge. Perhaps I should put out an intention for the instruction book to arrive. 🙂