Workshop Testimonials
Here's some feedback that workshop attendees have shared:
Experienced an amazingly transformative experience with Steve! His concepts and stories are very inspiring! If you are growth focused, I highly recommend you attend Steve's workshops. Instead of pushing you to get out of your comfort zone, his ideas will motivate from within, to shatter your limits, punch the fears in the face and achieve great things. – Sam Raheel
Despite my natural skepticism about much personal growth, positive mental attitude, and "law of attraction" oriented themes, I found Steve's vibe so comfortable I was completely at home participating in every aspect of this workshop. I've come away with genuine insights and actionable steps. Within just a couple days I'm already seeing concrete results. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone ready for a breakthrough in their lives. Thanks Steve for being you! – Kel
Steve Pavlina has the ability to break down some complex topics into their simplest forms. For the first time in my life, I feel the connection with the universe in the principle of abundance. It is effortless to stay in this mindset. – Bob Sisk
Instead of forcing you into a mold, Steve helps you to discover and align with your own version of an abundant lifestyle. By the end of day 3, you won't even want to leave. You will meet many incredible, supportive friends that will have you asking, "Where the hell have these people been my entire life?" You'll be amazed by how quickly you'll shift into abundance by just keeping an open mind and pushing a little bit outside of your comfort zone. If you have the money to go, GO! 🙂 – Nessy
Steve was amazing. I love his personalities and his openness to sharing himself to the world. Thank you very much, Steve! – T.L.
Steve Pavlina's workshops are top-notch, paradigm shifting trainings. I felt that the ideas presented were challenging my paradigms in many ways. I've been reading Steve's articles for many years and it was like I've 'known' a lot about him. Meeting him in person was like coming to see a very old friend. The feeling I get was that the real person and the blog content is totally congruent to who Steve Pavlina is and hearing every word was like a trip down memory lane. Steve's content not only laid the foundation for me in my early days for my personal development journey, I find that after many years, I constantly go back and use these ideas and paradigms as a reference point for my growth and further pursuit for an even better future. Coming to his workshop for the first time is like coming full circle and I am ready for a new journey again. Experiencing the content in an experiential way makes the already paradigm shifting experience even better. I thoroughly enjoyed and am very grateful for the 'Steve Pavlina experience'! – K.N.
To be greeted on the morning of day 1 with a warm hug was special, and something I haven't ever experienced in a workshop. Steve has a very unique way of combining a variety of topics, yet keeping a comfortable flow. – Ryan Hamar
It gave me a glimpse of a better way to live. A way that is more fun, free, kind, and caring than what I'm doing now. That all came from seeing people actually living that way. – Bob McCullough
I was always somewhat skeptical when it came to the law of attraction but since Steve's workshop I am now a full believer and the rewards have been outstanding. Thank you Steve for making me a true believer. – Jack Price
Awesomely creative, idea producing & action inspiring methods to get your life flowing with essential energy that makes you strive to be your best you in whatever your path reveals! – K.P.
Traditionally, I have always been very skeptical when it comes to self-help/motivational/personal growth books and speakers. But when I first came across Steve Pavlina's work, I was struck with how honest, unpretentious, and genuinely valuable he and his work is. I was at a point in my life where I had given up in many ways, and had become horribly cynical and depressed about the ability to change my life in any meaningful way. Steve has a very holistic approach to transforming your life, focusing on all aspects, and not just about making more money. I would wholeheartedly recommend his work to anyone wishing to transform themselves and get the most out of life! – John W. Jones
If you really want to change your life in a positive, conscious way, attend a workshop by Steve Pavlina and be prepared to grow! – David Getchel
CLW was the most amazing workshop I've ever attended and I know it will only be topped by the next CXW workshop because I will be going back!! Steve's content gets into your brain and rewires your neural networks in ways that no other speaker does. He speaks from the heart and lets it all out when sharing what he has learned in his persistent experimentation with life and reality. He presents his approach to living in intriguing, insightful, and inspiring ways that entrains and entertains. CLW had the right mix of content and exercises both written and social to help crystallize the experience. Steve imparted tools, ideas and a practical framework that can be used now for creating happiness and abundance. I left feeling inspired and knowing for certain that I can create the life I desire. I love Steve's blog and I love CXW!!! CLW was an invaluable experience that I highly recommend to anyone. It's no wonder that after the first 3 hours of the workshop, I messaged several friends and said that I'd already got my money's worth. Thank you Steve for so thoughtfully creating this experience for all of us CXW alumni. Or did I create it? Hmmmmmm 🙂 – Andrea Hollebakken
Steve Pavlina facilitates a fun, professional and life changing workshop for those ready to take their personal development to the next level. As an attendee of Steve's previous workshops and follower of his blog for over 8 years, I can confidently say that Conscious Life Workshop is a must attend event for those serious about becoming the best person they can be at contributing to the greater good of this world. – Leonard Hall
Take the red pill by attending Steve Pavlina's workshop, you will not regret it. My reality has been forever warped. I am now awake and conscious of my responsibilities. Thank-you so much Steve! 🙂
Steve's workshops are simple yet complex. Simple, in that the material is easily actionable and effective to keep re-using, re-applying, and refining as you continue to grow. Yet the simplicity is borne of distilling down complex information and laying down a proper matrix on which to use the simple, powerful tools Steve shares. Expect to connect quickly and deeply with smart individuals. Expect high quality and high value. Expect a realness and genuine intent from Steve. You won't find fake, rah-rah, over-puffed, over-fluffed stuff-for-suckers here. – Cynthia Lou
Steve's lectures were impressive. His delivery is energetic. He motivates and energizes you. Some of the topics were eye-openers for me, such as the importance of decisiveness. He has an extraordinary mindset and vibe, which rubs off on the audience during the workshop. – Burak Bilgin
CLW transformed the way I think and feel about my financial life and overall I'd say the program upgraded my life. I don't say that about many things - but CLW delivers. Thanks for sharing your abundance of knowledge Steve. – Curtis Moran
At Steve Pavlina's CLW in August 2014 I learned the importance of scrutinizing everything in my field of perception, everything is input to your subconscious mind so make sure it is helping not hindering your progress. Become open to and aware of new opportunities as they present themselves instead of being bogged down in a scarcity mindset which by default keeps your awareness from recognizing these potentially transformational experiences. I also gained clarity on my desired lifestyle (which comes first), purpose, and received confirmation that I am on the ideal heart-centered path for me at this point in time. Interacting with 125 other like-minded people from a variety of locations and walks of life has to be experienced. Words cannot convey the amazing growth potential that happens while sharing thoughts, ideas, fears, insecurities, solutions, wisdom, and accomplishments with others who listen, love, support, and reciprocate. Co-creating a project within a couple hour timeframe was a wonderfully beneficial, challenging, and an extremely fun way to wrap up the growth-filled weekend!!! Thanks and BIG HUGS to everyone who made this an unforgettable weekend! Much love and light. – Dan Petrovic
I have attended two Steve Pavlina workshops (CGW and CLW) and found them both to be extremely valuable. Steve has a knack for challenging readers of his website to think in new ways, and the workshops offer an even more potent experience because they are in person. The exercises, discussions, and interactions are all thoroughly planned and well-executed. I'm also impressed that he intentionally prices workshops so would be hard for me to imagine a participant not getting exceptional value from attending. I attended CGW and CLW almost 5 years apart, and I look forward to attending another workshop a couple of more years from now. Thanks Steve! – E.B.H.
See the Events page to sign up for an upcoming workshop.