The Spirit of Money Live Call: Saturday September 9, 2023
This Saturday (September 9, 2023), I’m hosting a live Zoom call – The Spirit of Money – to help you deeply explore and uplift your relationship with money. We’ll be working at the spirit / energy / purpose level for the entire call.
I’ll be sharing information and insights and guiding you through simple exercises on this call that I’ve never shared before. So it’s going to be new and different. We’re going to spend much of this call in the space of vibes, energy patterns, and spirit-level insights.
The purpose of this call is to help you understand the role of money in your life in a whole different way, including your spiritual blocks and filters regarding money, why they exist, and what’s on the other side of them. We’re also going to explore potential spiritual contracts you may have made with money before incarnating in this life, so you can understand how they may be operating in your life today – and how you can align and cooperate with them to progress instead of inadvertently hitting spiritual walls.
The call will be 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Pacific Time this Saturday. I’ll guarantee at least those two hours, but the end time is flexible since we’ll do open Q&A at the end. As long as it feels aligned to do so, I’ll keep taking questions till I get the inner signal to wrap up the call. My priority is to serve your growth to the best of my ability and to fully support the spirits who choose to join, not to ending by a particular time.
And no worries if you need to leave early since the call will be recorded, and you’ll get access to the recording too if you choose to attend.
The ideas and exercises we’ll cover on the call are universal, so even if the money area of your life is flowing well, I think you’ll gain a lot by applying the key ideas to other areas of life too. The money aspect helps to ground us in connecting the high-level shifts with practical gains (such as boosting your income or savings), but we could just as easily make this a mini-workshop on relationships, work, health, or any other area of life. I want to focus on the spiritual role of money for this one since that’s a pretty common thread through many people’s lives.
Vibe-wise I want to bring a very gentle, caring, and compassionate energy to this call. I assure you that it won’t be judgmental or pushy. Many people have enough lower energies in their relationship or history with money. My intention is for this call to be very positive and uplifting and welcoming, regardless of where your relationship with money is right now. That said, we’re gonna to explore very deeply into your relationship with money. You might feel a bit emo at certain points because this kind of work can get intense. That’s totally okay and welcome in this space. Rachelle and I will do our best to make this a container of love in which you can do the inner work that you feel ready to do with us.
You may feel also some shifts in your energy during the call since we’ll be working together at the spirit / energy level. And it will be work. This may include some emotional release, especially later in the call. If you need to take a break or step away for a bit or just switch off your webcam for a while, please do whatever feels right to you. This isn’t a call where you’ll be pushed to do anything. Just listen, process, and participate to the extent that feels right to you. I recommend that you allow the energy of this experience come to you. It’s probably not going to flow the way you expect. We’re going to honor what the spirit energy wants to do with us and for us on this call, and that won’t necessarily align with what your mind anticipates.
This will be a very introspective call, but there will also be some interactivity, mainly via the Zoom text chat but also Q&A at the end. There won’t be any small group breakout rooms, so you won’t need to conversationally interact with anyone. It’s totally fine if you want to attend all or part of the call with your webcam off, although you’ll still be able to see those who have their webcams on. So feel free to engage with this call in a more solo manner, or be active in the chat (clowny, deep, helpful, etc.) in whatever way suits you. I want you to bring the fullness of your spirit into this space too.
For Conscious Growth Club members, this call is included in their membership, but we’re also opening it up to non-CGCers to join us for a nominal fee of $42. 😀
I’d also recommend allowing some space for further journaling or reflecting upon the ideas for integration purposes later that weekend. There’s a good chance this call will activate some shifts that will flow through you over the next few days and beyond.
Here’s the link to enroll if you’d like to join us this Saturday:
Join The Spirit of Money ($42)
After you sign up, you’ll get the link to register for our Saturday Zoom call, and you’ll also get access to the web portal where the call recording will be published. I expect we’ll have the recording published within 24 hours after the live call ends.
To infuse this call with extra spirit energy, I’ll be doing the call while microdosing / mini-dosing with magic mushrooms (psilocybin), not so much to send me tripping but enough to help me serve as a more open conduit for this kind of work. In case you’re wondering, this idea to host this call was indeed inspired by my past few weeks of micro- and mini-dosing.
I’m really looking forward to this and sense it’s going to be an incredible experience for those who choose to attend.
I also know this is relatively short notice. This is to ensure that there’s only a small gap of time between when people decide to join and when we do the call, so as to hopefully have a call with people who are still feeling very aligned with the decision to have this unique experience together. The call would be different if people made the decision to join weeks before it happened – their alignment with the experience could slip during that length of time. The intuitive signal I’ve been getting, which I trust, is that the people who are meant to be there will either find that this easily fits their Saturday as-is, or they’ll shift their plans to attend because their own spirit will help them feel the importance of being there.