Come Join Us for Courage Forge Today
Our first Courage Forge call (via Zoom) starts in about an hour at 11:11 AM Pacific Time today. We’ll go for at least an hour.
Courage Forge is one of 14 very unique types of self-development calls we host in Conscious Growth Club. These calls are for CGC members only if you want to participate. We’re still open for new members to join for our once-a-year for new members to join in 2024, which runs through May 1st. If you join CGC now, you can be on this call with us, as long as you make it in time. Just click the link to join the CGC Lounge when you get into the main CGC portal dashboard after joining.
Here’s the description of this format:
Stoke your inner fire as you boldly step into the forge of courage. Burn away the inauthentic and the misaligned, and ignite your motivation with energy that lights you up inside. Face your fears, break through resistance, and align yourself with fearlessness. Release the heartless path, and commit to finding and walking your path with a heart. Discover and accept your “call to the stage” – the place, the work, or the mode of living that you may still resist yet keep thinking about. These calls are not for the timid. Be aware that the weakest parts of you may very well attempt to block you from attending – because they know they’re about to be yanked from their hiding places and tossed onto the bonfire.
The theme of today’s Courage Forge call is “Center of Attention,” so you’re invited to come join us to work on your relationship with being the focal point of other people’s attention, both personally and professionally. We’ll work together on releasing misalignments and creating a more empowering relationship with this aspect of life.
I shared this about the upcoming call in the CGC member forums this morning:
I can tell this will be a potent call. I feel like I’m tuned in to people already pre-reacting to it or dwelling on the potential experience. I sense it’s going to be fairly shamanic in nature. It will be very experiential for those that are open to that kind of direct experience, but you’ll also have the option to connect in a more distanced way if you prefer to watch and not be as directly participatory. I’ll explain how that works in the first few minutes of the call.
The call won’t be recorded – the invitation is to show up and be part of a one-of-a-kind experience, or prioritize something else instead.
I’ll be there! It’s going to powerful!
By the way, we’re already at 45 CGCers enrolled for Year 8, so we’re clearly going to blow past last year’s member count. Lots of people normally join closer to the end, and we still have nearly 38 hours to go, which is a very long time still. You can see the current sign-up count at the top of the CGC Invite Page.