A Beautiful CLW Weekend
We had an amazing Conscious Life Workshop this past weekend, definitely one of the best workshops if not the #1 so far. It was very social and connected – lots of love and many powerful breakthroughs for the attendees. I’m really happy with how it turned out. Energy-wise it was pretty intense from all the shifts people were sharing along the way.
I was thinking this might be the last time I run this workshop since I like variety, and I usually prefer to do new events as opposed to repeating ones, but given how transformational this workshop has been for so many people, I’m tempted to run it again at some point if there’s enough interest.
This will be a very social week since I want to keep connecting with the people who are still in town, and we’re also gearing up for the new Conscious Entrepreneur Workshop this coming weekend. If you’re interested in attending that one, you can still sign up for it. Be sure to read the CLW vs. CEW blog post if you want some extra clarity on the workshop topics.