Meeting in Person - Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ is for people who are interested in meeting in person. It isn't necessary to read this FAQ before meeting up though. I provide this mainly for those who may be a little shy, so they can feel more comfortable in knowing what to expect.
Almost. It's around 70-80%.
Sometimes I'm traveling in a different city when people come to Vegas, so obviously I can't meet up if I'm not in town.
Sometimes I'm busy with other obligations or immersed in a creative project, and I need to pause doing meetups.
And sometimes the logistics and timing don't work out for one reason or another.
But usually when someone expresses interest in meeting up, we can make it happen.
Usually around two hours. That's normally how long it takes for the conversation to naturally run it course.
It depends on the person. It's nice to talk about things that are interesting to both of us.
We often talk about subjects I've written about in my blog to begin with since we usually have some common interests there. Once we get warmed up, the conversation takes on a path of its own.
Some of the most fascinating conversations have been about subjective reality, the perspective that we may be living in a dream world. That topic usually leads to some fun interactions. 🙂
The simplest way is to just ask. Send me a message through my contact form, and I'll tell you if I expect to be in town.
You can also check the workshop schedule since you know I'll always be in Vegas around those dates. I often mention upcoming trips in the News section too.
Keep in mind that I do take spontaneous trips now and then, so I don't always know my full travel schedule in advance.
Sometimes I can do one-on-one meetups after a workshop, but usually not before. The time leading up to and during a workshop weekend is normally pretty busy for me, and I need to keep my focus on the workshop.
After a workshop I'm usually more available to meet with people. Sometimes we'll do group activities together as well.
Please make the request anyway. It's okay if you're shy or nervous. I'm very friendly, and I have a lot of experience talking with people who identify themselves as shy. Sames goes for people who identify as introverts.
I was a shy kid growing up, so I know what it's like to feel hesitant to reach out and connect.
Although our society tends to glorify extroversion, I like connecting with shy and introverted people since they often think deeply about a great many things.
You might enjoy reading The Introvert Advantage. I know that shyness and introversion aren't the same thing, but I generally find similar things to appreciate about shy people and introverts.
If you're only running 5 minutes late, don't worry about it. Just show up when you get there.
If you're running closer to 10 minutes late or longer, please email me if you can (or text me if we exchanged numbers), so I know you're on your way.
Please don't stress out if you're running late. I grew up in L.A., where traffic delays are a normal part of life, so I'm pretty understanding about that sort of thing. I can always catch up on emails if you're running late.
Sometimes, but not usually. Most of the time the meetup is with someone who's already coming to Vegas for a conference, wedding, vacation, etc. Or the person might already live in Vegas. Most of the people I meet are non-locals though.
We can each pay for our own. If you're feeling generous and want to treat, that's appreciated of course, but it isn't expected. Most of the time we just buy our own drinks. So if you happen to arrive first, feel free to get in line and order a drink if you want one.
Sure. If you're interested in personal growth, you have value to offer. Being curious is valuable. Sharing your opinions is valuable. Offering a hug is valuable.
I enjoy meeting with people face to face and discussing life, the universe, and everything. I learn something from every interaction.
At the very least, it's an opportunity for me to close the laptop and practice my conversation skills. Wouldn't you find value in doing that often?
Of course! I'd figure you're a mean, cruel, and vicious bastard who likes torturing animals. Then I'd hug you and talk to you anyway. 😉
Absolutely. Making first contact with aliens is my specialty!
We'll be like Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra.
Temba, his arms wide.
Sure. You don't even have to ask. Just bring them.
Yum... I love cuddles!
If you'd like to cuddle, I'd suggest a more cuddly location than Starbucks. There's a nice lounge at the Red Rock Hotel with some cozy couches where we can sit, talk, and cuddle.
I prefer not to invite people to my house to cuddle if I don't already know them, so if we haven't cuddled before, I'd feel safer with a public location if you're okay with that. I need to know that you're not a psycho, stalker, ax-murderer type. Hope you understand. 🙂
If you're not sure if you'll want to cuddle and would prefer to just talk first and get to know me better, we can meet to talk, and then if you feel interested in cuddling at some point, you can ask me about that later on.
If you invite a meetup and don't mention cuddling, then by default I'll assume you only want to chat.
Yup. I'm a cuddleslut and proud of it. Sometimes I cuddle two people at once. I only cuddle women though, so if you're a guy, you'll have to invite someone else to cuddle.
If you've never been to a cuddle party before, I'd encourage you to attend one. There's even a cuddle meetup group in Vegas.
I think it's very positive and healthy for human beings to connect through touch, as long as it's consensual.
It's a non-issue. I'm 100% cool with you being who you are.
I have friends who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. I've shared cuddles with lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women. My girlfriend is bisexual.
That said, don't expect me to be politically correct all the time. If you're currently feeling sensitive about your sexuality, please give me some advance warning before we meet, so I'll know not to joke about it with you.
Dress as casually as you like. I used to live on the beach, so if you dress like the Dude from The Big Lebowski, that's totally cool with me.
If you're a woman and would like to cuddle as well, then dress cuddly. 🙂
We'll meet in a public place, but the conversation is private in the sense that I'll keep it to myself by default.
People often share intimate details about their lives that they wouldn't want posted on the Internet, and I respect their right to privacy.
The same goes for cuddle meetups. If you want to cuddle, I'll keep that just between us by default. If you want to tell other people that we cuddled, that's up to you. I don't mind since my cuddlesluttiness is already public.
That isn't a question, but thank you. 🙂