The Spirit of Money Live Call

This Saturday September 9, 2023, at 10:00 AM Pacific Time, I’m hosting a very different kind of Zoom call to help you and many others delve into and better understand the spiritual role of money in your life. It’s called The Spirit of Money, and I invite you to attend. This post has all the details. It’s coming up fast, which is by design, so I suggest you read this now and then decide if you’re going to join us.

On this call I’ll share information and insights that I’ve never shared before, and we’ll talk you through some guided exercises as well. This is going to be new and different – very different as you’ll soon see if you keep reading.

We’ll spend most of our time on this call in the space of vibes, energy patterns, and spirit-level insights. So this won’t be a call about the mental or financial aspects of money such as budgeting or income strategies. We won’t be talking about plans and action steps. And reframes? Not so much.


The purpose of this call is to open up and maintain a very high-vibe spiritual space, invite you to show up with your intentions (both related and unrelated to money), and allow yourself to receive and process the spirit-level guidance and support that comes through for you, as you help us hold the receptive container in which inspired insights can be received, positive transformations can occur, and no-longer-needed filters and blocks can be relaxed or removed.

You can expect this to be mostly non-linear. I won’t be teaching a step-by-step process or anything of that nature.

Your Intentions

Set and bring your own intentions to the call because this is a key part of the experience. What would you like to work on within this spiritual container?

What aspects of your life would you like to better understand and/or transform?

Your intentions needn’t even be related to money. I’ll explain more about that in the next section.

Do you sense that there’s some kind of inner work for you to do next? This is an opportunity to invite the energy you may need into your life, so you can take the next step. If you’ve been waiting for a notification from life to tell you when it’s time, well… here it is. 😀

Another option is to hold the simple intention to just be there, let go, surrender to the experience as it unfolds, and trust. That works too.

The Spirit of Money

We’re going to invite the Spirit of Money into this call with us. Think of this as the conscious energy behind money’s role in your life. We’ll invite this energy to communicate with us during part of the call, and I will do my best to share these messages as clearly and crisply as I can.

However, the ideas and exercises we’ll cover on the call are universal, so even if the money area of your life is flowing well, I think you’ll gain a lot by transplanting the key insights into other areas of life too.

Why then is the money theme even part of the call if our purpose is so open to other kinds of intentions?

The money theme helps to ground us in connecting the high-level insights and ideas with an aspect of human life that most people can relate to – we’ve all dealt with money many times before – thereby making it easier to apply spirit-level insights to human-level experiences. The Spirit of Money readily links with the instrument of money, so we can see how the dots connect between spirit-level wisdom and human-level decisions.

Money is also an area that many people don’t consider particularly spiritual, which leads them into decisions that often conflict with money’s spiritual purpose. The spiritual purpose of money is primarily to serve your spiritual growth. It’s easier to create and maintain a pleasing, easy-going relationship with money when you learn to respect, honor, and cooperate with its spiritual purpose.

When you see how richly infused with spirit this aspect of human life truly is, it will be easier for you to bring similar spirit-level insights to your relationships, work, health, etc. So I see good reasons for using the theme of money for this kind of work. I think it will serve as a useful bridge for translating ideas from the world of spirit to the human world.

This money aspect also gives your mind something to focus on while your own spirit is deeply engaged. Not everyone needs that, but I think it will be a helpful focal point for many people who’d likely benefit from attending the call.

My Role

My role is to help hold the space, facilitate the call, and share the messages that come through. Rachelle will be helping me as well, so she can monitor the text chat and let me know if anything there needs my attention. I won’t be focusing on the chat messages that people share during the call, unless it’s for part of an exercise we’re doing.

We won’t be doing any Power Point slides. This is a call for the spirit, so we need ample flexibility, and the linearity of slides won’t work here.

I’ve been preparing for the call by channeling lots of fresh insights and reflecting upon the ideas. Most of these ideas came through while microdosing and minidosing magic mushrooms (75mg to 300mg dried), and I’ve compiled lots of notes from these sessions. But I don’t see those notes as being as important as the practice of bringing in these types of insights.

I plan to select the key ideas that I anticipate sharing and summarize them on about a dozen index cards to have on my desk during the call. This is more to relax my mind and to serve as convenient reminders when they’re helpful. However, my high-level intention is to go with the flow of inspiration as it comes through during the call, so I’m ultimately going to share what I feel most guided to share with those who are present. I’ll share the ideas that align with my notes when it feels inspired to do so, and when it takes us in a different direction, I’ll go with wherever the inspiration wants to go. I trust the source of this info because I’ve been working with it a lot lately, and it’s been a real powerhouse of transformation and depth for me.

To infuse this call with extra spirit energy, I’ll be opening the call a few hours after taking 100mg of mushrooms, which for me is on the lower end of a minidose but more than a microdose. It’s not so much to send me tripping, but it’s enough to help me serve as an open conduit for this kind of work. In case you’re wondering, the idea to host this call was indeed inspired by my past few weeks of exploration in this area.

So part of my purpose for hosting this call is to open up what’s been an incredible world of new energies that have shifted me a great deal – by offering it to those who feel called to invite similar uplifting and transformational energies into their lives now.

Call Details

Here are the call details:

Date: This Saturday – September 9, 2023

Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM+ Pacific Time

Platform: Zoom

Price: $42

Recorded: Yes, you’ll get the recording (video and audio) as well.

I include a + symbol after the closing time because I don’t know exactly when we’ll end. We’ll go for at least 2 hours, and we’ll wrap up with Q&A. My priority is to share whatever insights want to come through for the people on the call and to serve those who show up to the best of my ability. I can’t predict exactly when we’ll finish though. We’ll bring it to a close when I get that “yeah, I think we’re complete now” feeling. This call will begin on human time, but its duration is based on spirit time. 😀

After you sign up, you’ll get the link to register for our Saturday Zoom call, and you’ll also get access to the web portal where the call recording will be published. I expect we’ll have the recording published within 24 hours after the live call ends.

If you need to leave early, that’s totally fine and understandable, so no worries about that. Remember that you’ll get the full recording too, both in video and audio forms, so you’ll be able to watch or listen to anything you might miss.

We’ll take a short break after about an hour, and we’ll edit the break time out of the recording.

While it’s ideal to join us from the start, it’s okay to join late too if you have other obligations. If you’re going to join late, please take a few deep breaths, hold the intention to connect with spirit, and then connect to the call when you feel reasonably centered. Please do your best not to introduce potentially jarring vibes into the space while we’re already flowing.

Price ($42)

The price to attend the call and get the recordings is $42 USD. For CGC members it’s free since it’s included as part of their annual membership. So you’ll surely see some CGCers on the call.

Why $42? I didn’t really pick that price myself, not exactly. It popped into my mind while I was pondering how to decide upon a fair contribution for such a spirit-level invitation. I was initially thinking that something around $40 felt about right, but it still felt too arbitrary and not particularly spiritual to me, like it just didn’t fit. I had previously thought about making it free, but that didn’t feel right either. Then the answer of $42 popped into my mind – okay okay, I admit that it came from the shroom energy while microdosing – and I chuckled because I immediately saw that it was perfect.

The number 42 is a callback to the DAI course (as someone who’s done the course may recognize), and it’s been a number sync for me many times before, especially related to creativity. It’s also a reference to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, which has a fun, playful vibe. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide, the number 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. How perfect indeed!

So I really didn’t choose this number for financial reasons. I don’t feel like I personally picked it but rather that it was chosen for us. It was an instant yes when it came through though, so let’s use it.

Moreover, I’ve been getting lots of syncs for this number ever since I agreed to use it for the price of the call. For instance, Rachelle and I recently rewatched the 1990 movie Ghost, and there’s a scene in the movie that’s visually flooded with the number 42 – when Sam is learning tips from another ghost in the 42nd Street subway station. The walls and pillars are all covered in 42s. It’s super obvious and goes on for a few minutes. I’m still getting more syncs too. I take that as a pretty clear sign that there’s a strong alignment with this call flowing in from the spirit side.

Perhaps $42 is a weird price from the human perspective, but I believe it serves a purpose – to remind us that we’re taking a break from the world of human-level frames and assumptions. Moreover, I think that the Spirit of Money that we’re inviting to join us on this call likes having this number above the entry door, as if it’s the call’s address… like 42 Spirit Lane.

There’s another number for this call that’s special to me, which is the date – 9/9. My grandfather was born on 9/9/09. He passed away about two decades ago, and this would be his 114th birthday if he was still around. I’ve been connecting with his energy a little bit lately (among many other energies), and I sense that he loves that we’re having this experience on his human birthday. Perhaps he’ll even help us hold the connection to spirit during the call. I haven’t done much work with ancestral energy, but more of that type of energy has been coming to me lately for some reason. So if it resonates with you, consider respectfully inviting your ancestral spirits to join us on the call as well, and let them decide if they wish to help us hold the space.

An Inner Journey

This will be a very introspective call, but there will also be some interactivity, mainly via the Zoom text chat but also some Q&A at the end. There won’t be any small group breakout rooms, so you won’t need to conversationally interact with anyone.

It’s totally fine if you want to attend all or part of the call with your webcam switched off, even though you’ll still be able to see those who have their webcams on. So feel free to engage with this call in a more solo manner, or be active in the Zoom text chat (clowny, deep, helpful, social, etc.) in whatever way suits you. I want you to bring the fullness of your spirit into this space too.

You may wish to do further journaling for integration purposes after the call, reflecting more deeply on whichever aspects are still flowing through your mind. Spirit-level experiences often take time to settle, becoming even more profound, relevant, and meaningful as time passes.

There is no need to push yourself in any way. I invite you to let the energy and the insights of the call come to you. Just be open to receiving.

Vibe of the Call

In terms of vibe, I aim to bring a gentle, caring, and compassionate energy to this call, especially at the outset. I assure you that it won’t be judgmental or pushy. Many people have already experienced negative energy or challenges in their relationship with money, so for this call and this invitation, let’s agree not to dive into those aspects. We truly don’t need to do that.

If you attend the call, I’d rather you show up with energies and intentions like curiosity, hope, wonder, openness, and surrender instead of some form of desperation to change.

My intention is for this call to be positive, uplifting, and welcoming, regardless of where your relationship with money is right now. I also want it to be very deep. But the most difficult intention to accept (possibly for both of us) is that I invite the world of spirit to be intensely truthful with us. That includes showing us what we’re ready enough to see now, even if it may temporarily stun us to hear it. Spiritual truths don’t always land softly. Inner work can be challenging.

While it’s not directly part of my intentionality, I’d say it’s reasonable to expect there may be some people going through some emotional processing or releasing on this call. So it’s very important that we do our best to hold the space where this kind of transformation can occur with caring support. If you need to take a break, step away for a bit, or switch off your webcam for a while (or the entire time), please feel free to do whatever feels right to you.

Some people may choose to be on the call with the primary intention of helping to hold the space where we invite transformation to occur for those who need it most (and are ready for it). I’ve sometimes paid to attend circles where my main intention was to support other people’s growth rather than seeking my own gains. On a spirit level, I find that a very worthwhile investment. It seems impossible not to experience some meaningful personal uplift with that kind of intentionality anyway.

Also know that Rachelle and I will do our best to make this a container of love in which you can do the inner work that you feel ready to do at the spirit level, whether or not you think it relates to money. If tears come, let them come. Sometimes I get pretty emo just thinking about this call. It won’t necessarily be easy for me either, and I’ve made peace with that.

My words here are a pointer to the energy of the call, like Bruce Lee’s analogy of the finger pointing to the Moon. The call itself is meant to serve as a portal into that energy space. To decide if you want to attend, I suggest you tune in to the energy of the call that my words are pointing to, and make your decision based on what you sense internally. I think most people will get a pretty clear signal if they’re meant to be there, once they look within, take a peek at that energy, and see if they vibe with it.

Preparing Yourself for the Call

These are my recommendations for preparing for the call, so you can help us create and hold the space that aligns with our purpose.

Food: I recommend that if you eat before the call, favor plant foods as much as you can. Ideally for any meals that happen within 8 hours before the call, stick with fully plant-based. This advice applies if you eat or drink anything during the call as well. Also favor whole, unprocessed foods. The reason is that consuming animal foods or processed foods will root your energy more strongly to the physical world. Plant foods will lighten your energy, making you more receptive to a broader range of frequencies. In short, it’s good to be more sensitive and vibrationally open for this one.

Caffeine: If you don’t normally consume caffeine, stay caffeine-free during the day of the call. If you do normally have caffeine, it’s actually best if you still have some that day since your energy is accustomed to it. But go a bit lighter than usual for whatever you have in the 8 hours before the call or during the call. For instance, if you typically have a cup of coffee, consider reducing it to 1/2 or 2/3 cup for the day of the call, or have some tea instead. The reason for this is that caffeine amplifies a narrow band of frequencies, mostly in the mental range, thus making them overly prominent relative to other frequencies that may come through during the call. Think of it like watching a movie while a bright spotlight over-saturates part of the screen, making the rest of the screen seem darker by comparison. The purpose of reducing the caffeine a little is to minimize such distortions in your perceptions.

Intentions: Review the “Your Intentions” section above, and set your intentions for the call before joining. Doing this shortly after joining is okay too.

Attire: Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable, especially if it has a spiritual slant to it. It’s not about how you look. It’s about how you feel in what you’re wearing. You may also choose to wear an item that raises your vibe, like a shirt that you associate with a beautiful memory. You don’t have to go full-on Burning Man, but you can go there if you resonate with some avatar decoration. Dress to feel good, not to try to impress anyone. Remember that you can keep your webcam switched off if you prefer.

Microdosing: If you’re already into microdosing or minidosing psychedelics, I invite you to consider joining me in taking a modest amount to help me in holding this space, timing it so you’re likely to be in the best range of your experience during the time of our call. For me that’s about 3 hours after taking a dose, so I’m past the peak and on the gentle back slope, which is where I tend to experience the best connection, the clearest flow of insights, the lightest and most open vibes, and the strongest level of trust. There’s no need to let me or anyone else know if you’re doing this, but you can tell me privately if it feels good to you. I’ll keep it between us.

Why the Short Notice?

I know this is relatively short notice. I’m inviting you to join this call close in time to when it happens. This is intentional. It’s not exactly my own intention though, but I’ve been guided to do it like this, and I received an explanation as to why, which I’m happy to share with you.

The immediacy of the call means that there’s only a short gap of time between when people decide to join and when we host the call. Consider why that matters from a spirit-level perspective.

If you feel aligned with the call after reading this post, and you decide to sign up for it, it’s very likely that you’ll still feel good about that decision on Saturday when the call is starting. You’ll still be in strong resonance with your choice. This resonance matters, especially on a collective level, as everyone on the call flows into the real experience very shortly after deciding to attend.

If I had given more advance notice, those who resonated with the potential experience when they first learned about it would have more time to fall out of resonance by the actual call time. So would I. We’d all have do to a bit more work to get back in sync with our earlier decisions. This is similar to agreeing to attend a social event when you feel aligned with it and then noticing that you no longer feel like going when it actually comes up some days or weeks later. We want to minimize the chance of that happening here.

Another factor to consider is the alignment and trust on a spiritual level. Time works differently at the spirit-level and doesn’t have the same requirements or priorities as human-level time. On some level, the people who are meant to be on this call will have already had it spiritually reserved for them ahead of this specific invitation. They’ll either have the time available already… or they’ll feel the motivation to free up the time to attend… or it will actually be better for them to watch the recorded version and skip the live call if they’re truly busy during that time. So in this case I trust that if someone has a conflict and doesn’t have the option to attend live, or if it wouldn’t feel right to them to prioritize attending, and they wouldn’t feel satisfied with the recording only, then it’s for the best because this means they have other spiritual priorities to work on.

I also expect that some people will already recognize that they’re meant to be on this call because on a spirit level, they either felt a desire for something like this intuitively – and this is their manifestation of that intention – or perhaps something in their reality shifted to make this call align with their plans. For instance, they might have had something else initially planned during the call time, but that item recently got canceled or postponed. At the spirit level, their agenda was cleared to allow them to partake in this experience.

I met my wife Rachelle for the first time at a workshop I conducted nearly 14 years ago. Initially she wasn’t able to attend even though she wanted to because she had a prior commitment to perform in a play that overlapped the days of the workshop. But a spirit-level renegotiation soon took place behind the scenes, her play was postponed (without her making such a request on the human level), and she was able to quickly arrange her flight and accommodations and fly down from Canada to be there in person. We’ll probably delve deeper into these spirit-level renegotiations during the call, including how to initiate them.

Another possibility is that some people may have already seen (or are about to see) synchronicities related to this call, such as the number 42 popping up… or some unusual reference related to the name of the call or to me or my work.

If I were you, I’d trust these signals, especially if they align with your intuition, even if your mental side isn’t so sure. I’ve done my best to trust when similar syncs happened to me, and they’ve led to some truly beautiful experiences. I really do perceive that they represent spirit-level guidance. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, and I want to pull back the drapes and show you what’s backstage.

Lately I’ve been flooded with syncs related to hosting this call, so it’s fair to say that I’ve been guided to play my part in this as well. A few weeks ago, I honestly had no idea that I’d be doing this, at least not on a human level of awareness. The inspired idea to host this call came on short notice for me too. But I knew it was important to say yes to it and to consciously consent to doing my part.

Come Join Us!

Just fill out and submit the sign-up form, and you’ll get what you need to access the call.

And yes, in case you’re wondering, I wrote this post on a microdosing day (just 75mg today). If this speaks to you, I think it’s fair to say that the call will have many resonant and meaningful insights and lessons for you.

Have I gone off the deep end? Yes, and it’s quite different from the shallow end.

It’s a little difficult for me to share this, but during a physically mild but spiritually deep mushroom experience I had last weekend, I received the guidance that it was time for me to stop hiding and/or apologizing for my spiritual side. I was advised to start speaking more fully and shamelessly at the level of spirit, and avoid watering it down or peppering it with palatable reframes for those who might not resonate with it. Admittedly that stung a bit, but it landed powerfully. Hosting this call is one step in the direction of heeding that advice. So this is a pretty big deal to me.

I’m really looking forward to this, both on a human level and a spirit level. I sense it’s going to be an incredible experience for those who attend. If you feel called to be there, please sign up for The Spirit of Money, and I’ll see you on Saturday.

Namaste! 😀