Universal Timing Alignment
I’ve noticed that when I get an idea for a big new project, the timing often doesn’t feel good right away. It’s as if the idea wants to get my attention, so I can start thinking about it, but it also needs time to incubate.
If I try to force the idea forward faster, it’s like pushing through molasses. It takes lots of discipline, and I have to forcefully re-engage with the task again and again. The inspiration to move it forward isn’t present. These projects don’t succeed. If they ever get completed, the results are disappointing.
On the other hand, if I conclude that the idea isn’t right for me because the inspiration to take action isn’t there yet, that could kill the idea completely. I may never get around to doing it if I force the “now or never” attitude.
There’s an empowering alternative approach, which is to say yes to the idea and then to invite the alignment that can move it forward powerfully without having to force it. You can say yes to the idea and invite the inspiration to act. Then you wait.
I think of this as aligning with truth first, then love, and then power. I often see the appeal of an idea – the truth aspect – first. Then I need time to dance with the idea for a while. I have to play with it and explore different permutations of it. I need to discover what it wants to become and how I can bring it to expression. This phase of aligning with love for the project could take months, sometimes years. It’s very personal too – I must discover what the project means to me and why I’d want to do it. So this phase is really an exploration of deeper meaning.
This meaning doesn’t have to be so grandiose. Often it’s a very simple framing. Where’s the fun? Where’s the play? Where’s the growth? Why would I want to invest weeks or months of my life in this? What’s the point?
The answer is never money, by the way. If that’s the main reason for doing a project, the idea is lifeless.
The real key to discovering what a project means to me is exploring how it will affect my relationship with reality. Once I see the invitation to explore a fresh and expansive way of relating to reality, the idea starts generating a lot of its own energy. It becomes a power source. I feel waves of motivation and invitation drawing me forward, almost irresistibly so. That’s when I can fully enter the power phase, and I know it’s time to move forward strongly. The power isn’t really mine though. I don’t have to push forward with lots of discipline and force. It’s like surfing waves that are being generated. I just have to align with the waves and catch them, and their energy pulls me forward.
At this point it’s actually harder not to take action. It’s like seeing a delicious meal that’s right in front of you when you’re hungry. It would take more discipline not to take a bite. It’s easier to act when the motivation is there.
What’s the difference between an idea that dies and one that enters this power phase? I’d say the key is that I have to say a true yes to it. I have to commit myself. I don’t have to commit to the exact timing. I just have to get clear that sooner or later, I’m really going to do it. I decide that it will happen, not merely that it could happen.
Then I invite the universe to signal when it’s ready, as if it needs time to put all the pieces in place or to write the appropriate subroutines to simulate its parts of the project.
Sometimes I think of the idea as an energy bubble that hangs out in some subspace of reality for a while, and when enough other people are ready for this idea to be birthed, we all collectively combine our energies to make it happen. Even if it seems objectively like I’m doing most of the work on a project, it often feels like there’s a collective intention driving it forward.
This does require trust. It requires patience. It requires not settling for projects that aren’t very motivating. It requires the willingness to embrace a co-creative relationship with reality.
One reason I’ve learned to trust this process is that it leads to a really nice life that I appreciate and enjoy. I don’t have to work, work, work all the time. When I work in alignment with universal timing, it’s so efficient and flowing that it doesn’t feel like work much of the time. It’s more like a feeling of creative juiciness. The results of this approach are abundant, so there’s no need to scramble or hustle throughout the whole year.
When I have some downtime between these kinds of projects, I enjoy that too. I work on smaller tasks and projects. I make upgrades to my life and lifestyle. I enjoy time with Rachelle. I go through lots of books and courses. I do personal growth experiments. I ponder ideas, journal a lot, and develop new insights. I practice. I prepare. I write and share. And I live with the anticipation that another big wave of creative energy is coming up, and I know that when the timing is right, I’ll catch that wave and ride it.