Easy Course Login Links Added
Today I added a convenient login link to the footer of every page of the public website, so if you’re enrolled in either the Deep Abundance Integration or Submersion courses, you can easily login to your account without having to remember or bookmark the login link.
Just visit any page of the StevePavlina.com website, scroll to the bottom, and you’ll find the login link in the footer. Easy!
You can also access the login link from the Courses menu at the top of any page of the site. Perhaps even easier!
These courses have been super popular with hundreds of people enrolled in each one (Deep Abundance Integration is approaching 1000 sign-ups, and Submersion is coming up on 500), so we’re definitely going to create and launch more courses in 2019.
This co-creative model is working incredibly well, and your input really does shape the direction of each course, not just for yourself and the other participants going through it as we create it, but for everyone who enrolls henceforth, even years or decades later.
Submersion has 22 out of 60 lessons published so far, with more being added each week. So there’s still time to participate in the co-creative phase of this deep dive if you wish. It will be fully complete by January 31, 2019. The feedback on this one has been absolutely stellar, and most people are less than 10 days into it. More lessons will be published this coming week.