CEW Early Bird Discount Extended for a Few More Days
For the past 48 hours, the web server that hosts StevePavlina.com has been having technical issues, causing the site to run slowly or to be inaccessible for some visitors. Traffic levels have been normal, but for some reason the server load has been spiking as high as 200x its normal levels, even with strong caching and a content distribution network being used.
I use a WordPress plugin called Jetpack Monitor that checks the website every five minutes and sends me an email if the site goes offline, so I’ve been aware of the issue since it started. My web host is aware of it too, but so far they haven’t accurately diagnosed and fixed the problem.
In the meantime I’ve extended the early bird discount for the upcoming Conscious Entrepreneur Workshop. It was set to expire at the end of Wednesday, September 21, but due to the recent accessibility issues, I’ll keep the $100 discount active for a few more days, at least through the end of Sunday, September 25.
My apologies for the accessibility issues. I’ll keep working with my web host on this till it’s resolved.