Conscious Success Workshop (CSW)
Achieve the Success You Desire. Faster.
What does it mean to be successful?
Don't worry about society's standards for success. Just consider how you would define success -- for yourself.
Based on your own definition, are you successful?
Are you living up to your own values and ideals? Are you fulfilling your true potential?
If you're not sure... or if you have to think about it... then what does that tell you? If you're truly successful by your own definition, there shouldn't be any doubt or hesitation. You could answer with an easy and obvious yes.
If it's not an instant yes, consider that your most honest answer is no.
Maybe other people would consider you successful. Maybe you'd like to think of yourself as successful. But do you really believe that about yourself? Do you feel you're living up to YOUR potential? Are you doing your BEST? Do you even know what your best looks like?
Don't worry if the success you desire seems to be eluding you. It's not my intention to make you feel bad about yourself. The simple reality of life is that success is an ideal we love to strive for, but in practice we typically fall far short of our potential.
Before we can grow beyond this point, we have to admit the truth to ourselves first. It's okay if it's an unpleasant truth, but we still need to face it. Denying the truth can't help us grow.
No truth, no growth.
The truth is that most of us actually end up living pretty mediocre lives. We know we could be doing much better, but we constantly slack off. We distract ourselves. We regret tomorrow before we've even lived it.
Lives of Quiet Desperation
Henry David Thoreau wrote:
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.
To resign yourself to a life of mediocrity is to succumb to despair.
Accepting mediocrity -- in other words, giving up on trying to succeed -- is a common thing to do. It's no way for conscious human beings to live though. We're capable of better -- much better.
And yet, it isn't easy to truly live up to your potential. If it were easy, you'd already be doing it.
I'm not suggesting we can ever be perfect, but we always have the capacity to grow beyond where we are right now, and in practice that's all we need.
If we can keep growing, we can get closer and closer to that ideal of success we desire.
Barriers to Success
Success can be very rewarding, but it's not an easy path to take. There are many obstacles and problems to confront along the way.
Some of these problems are in fact getting worse.
Do you find it difficult to focus? You're not alone.
You may have noticed a major increase in distractions in your life within the last few years. There are more things clamoring for our attention than ever before. And it's going to continue to get worse.
Another challenge is that we have more opportunities than ever before. We live in a time of rapid change, and change brings opportunity. From all of these possibilities, how do we pick something to focus on? How can we possibly feel confident that our decisions are correct?
These challenges can be overwhelming at times. So quite often, we check out. We distract ourselves. We spin our wheels and run in circles. Life passes us by. And we wonder where all the time went.
With each passing year, you may feel you're slipping further and further behind, relative to where you'd hoped to be. There's a gradual feeling of dread that builds over time... a sense of loss and regret -- and maybe some guilt as well. If only you'd made better use of your time while you were younger...
One year you have a job. The next year you're trying to start an Internet business. Six months later that website has stalled, and you're doing contract work as a web developer. You don't find the work very fulfilling, but it pays the bills.
University students often have this problem as well. They switch majors like they're changing their clothes. First it's psychology, then a year later it's engineering, then philosophy. What's the point of paying for school if you're not going to finish what you start?
The 3 Key Challenges of Success
Let's clarify the 3 critical challenges of success -- challenges that everyone must face if they wish to become very successful.
Here they are:
1. You need to figure out what to do with your life.
If you don't decide what to do with your life, chances are you'll end up working for someone who does. You can run your own life, or you can be dominated.
Most people end up dominated. They spend most of their lives working to achieve someone else's goals. Is that you?
2. You need to COMMIT to being successful.
You don't need to commit yourself to any particular path forever, but you must at least stick with your projects long enough to make serious and meaningful progress.
You can't keep starting and stopping. You can't keep quitting. You can't keep distracting yourself.
3. You need to get yourself to take action repeatedly.
If you want the results of success, you'd better get used to taking a lot of action. No action, no results.
Most people fail the first challenge miserably, so they never even make it to the second and third challenges. But even those that do have a clear idea of what they want to do rarely get very far with it.
Suffice it to say that mediocrity is a LOT more common than success.
Why is that?
Because success is very hard.
Slick marketers may promise you fast and easy results, but they can't live up to such phony promises. I should know since so many of them have sent me their products, hoping to get a review on my website. I always turn them down.
I think you deserve to know the truth. It's not that easy to succeed. It can be a serious struggle at times. Very successful people know this, and they know it well.
At least in the short run, it's easier to be mediocre.
If you want the easy path, you'll have to settle for mediocrity. Trying to succeed will only frustrate you. You'll find it too difficult. If you aren't fully committed to success, you'll give up too soon.
I'm not here to serve the people who are okay with mediocrity. I created my website for smart people. Smart people want to better themselves. They want to grow. If that isn't you, there's no reason to be here. You can go.
But here's the good news: It's definitely possible to improve. Success is both learnable and teachable. You don't have to settle for a mediocre life.
Yes, success is harder than mediocrity, but it's not impossible. Great success is achievable if you commit yourself to it.
You really could be doing better. You could be succeeding much faster than you are now -- and in a much bigger way.
Having vs. Being
There's a difference between having certain results and being an achiever.
Try not to get too riled about about the having aspects. That isn't a good place to root your self-esteem and self-worth. Money and possessions are nice, but they won't fulfill you by themselves.
When it comes to success, the being part is much more important. What does it mean to be successful?
Success is a certain feeling you have about yourself. It's a very positive, energetic, motivating feeling -- a feeling of ambition, drive, confidence, and forward momentum.
You look in the mirror and feel happy and excited. You feel motivated to get going. You're inspired to take action... lots of action.
For many people, days like this are few and far between. Some people can scarcely recall a day when they felt inspired and motivated. That's truly sad and disappointing. Conscious human beings can do better.
When you're at your best, life flows with passion and possibility. Your goals and projects are motivating and energizing. You take lots of action because you're inspired to act. It wouldn't feel as good to delay.
When you end a successful day, it's a great feeling. You barely want to go to bed because you're enjoying such wonderful flow. When you do go to bed, you sleep restfully and peacefully.
Real success is a state of being, not a collection of possessions or a number in a bank account.
You can tell when you're in the flow of success or not. If you're not sure, then you're not in the flow. Being in the flow is unmistakable.
When I'm in this successful flow state, the having part largely takes care of itself. When I do my best work, I create value for others. This creates abundant income for me, which makes it easy to pay my bills, meet my needs, and enjoy the experiences that make life worth living.
Creating a Successful Lifestyle
Success is not just about being though. There's a definite doing part as well. To be truly successful, you must also create the kind of lifestyle you desire.
For me this lifestyle involves seeking out and embracing new growth experiences. For you it may be something different.
Here's a photo I took during a recent trip to Paris. That's the Eiffel Tower in the distance.
Exploring Paris was truly wonderful. I had an amazing time during my 2 weeks there. It's very fulfilling to create these kinds of experiences. I intend to create many more experiences like it.
That was my first time in Paris. But the trip almost didn't happen... until I fully committed myself to going.
To embrace success, we can't just keep doing what we've always been doing. We have to come out of our shells, little by little, one step at a time.
We need to embrace a greater vision of ourselves. We need to create lifestyles that truly reflect the best of us.
Meeting ALL of Your Needs
If you're familiar with Maslow's hierarchy of needs, you can see that becoming a successful achiever will catapult you straight to the top of the pyramid.
When we're experiencing that wonderful flow of success, we automatically satisfy our needs as well.
In this state of being, we fulfill our potential and enjoy the benefits of self-actualization.
We enjoy high self-esteem, self-respect, and self-confidence.
We earn the acceptance and appreciation of others and enjoy loving relationships and supportive social connections.
We meet our needs for security and stability by being terrific providers.
And we easily cover our basic physiological needs like food and shelter.
On the other hand, wallowing in mediocrity threatens our stability at all levels. We don't feel very secure. We lose confidence and self-respect. It's difficult to fulfill your potential when you're worried about how to pay your bills.
The bad news is that these problems aren't going away. If you remain stuck in mediocrity, you'll have to spend a lot of time dealing with the consequences -- problems like working at a job you hate, sinking into debt, losing your home, seeing your relationships crumble, and watching your kids pick up the same bad habits.
However, the good news is that highly successful people are made, not born. Most often they're self-made.
You don't have to settle for mediocrity. You can transition into a successful achiever. Many people have already done it.
Whether you enlist my help on your journey, you get help elsewhere, or you decide to go it alone, it's important to make a serious commitment to yourself.
Commit that no matter what happens, you will keep growing and learning. Commit that you won't settle for mediocrity when you know that your potential is much greater.
Let me share the story of how I made this transition...
When I applied to go to college, I got accepted to some great schools. I choose to attend UC Berkeley since at the time, its computer science department was ranked #1 in the nation.
However, I wasn't fully committed to earning my college degree. It seemed like a nice thing to do, but I didn't care enough about it. So I slacked off -- a lot!
I ditched many of my classes. I went to parties. I played poker. I got drunk a lot. I just wasn't motivated to spend another 4 years in school.
Due to my lack of commitment, I did poorly academically. My first semester was so-so, but my second and third semesters were total failures.
Here's a photo of my report card from UC Berkeley after my third semester there:
I took 4 classes (14 units total) and got a C-, a D, and two Fs.
It's not that the classes were too difficult. I just didn't show up much. I didn't put in enough effort to even achieve mediocrity.
Here's what my cumulative grade point average (GPA) was after 3 semesters:
That's 1.771 out of 4.0 -- about a C- average.
My GPA should have been even lower though. I used to go to the computer lab (WorkStations Evans Basement, which we used to refer to as the WEB), and I'd hang out by the shared printer, which was in a hallway. There were hundreds of students in my freshman computer classes, so normally I only had to wait minutes for a completed assignment from someone in my class to be rolling off the printer, especially the night before it was due. If they waited too long to pick it up, I'd snag it and turn it in as my own. Those students assumed their print jobs got lost in the queue somehow, and they'd simply print new copies.
I could have done those assignments on my own. I wouldn't say they were too difficult, but I preferred to spend the time playing poker or having beer and pizza with friends instead. That's how lazy I was.
In those 3 semesters I didn't get a single A. I got two Bs during my first semester (thanks to cheating), and everything else was Cs, Ds, and Fs. At least I legitimately passed tennis. 🙂
To make matters worse, shortly after my third semester, I got arrested for felony grand theft (after having been arrested for shoplifting several times before). I got expelled from school as well -- for my poor grades and lack of effort. That was one of the lowest points of my life.
As I sat in jail for several days, my felony arrest served as a major wake up call. I could finally see that I was heading down a very dark path. I realized that something had to change, and I had to change it. But how?
In that jail cell, I made a commitment to myself. I didn't know how to fix all the problems in my life right away. That was too daunting. I'd just been kicked out of school, I had a criminal record, and I felt very alone -- and very stressed.
I figured that no matter what I did, my life was going to be pretty crappy for a while. I didn't feel I had much power to change things for the better.
But I knew I was capable of growing, and I could imagine that I could make my future reality a lot better than my present. Those years were going to pass anyway, and someday I'd be living that future life as my present reality.
My future would be created by my present-day decisions and actions. Would I create a future where I was spending a lot of time in prison? Or would I create a brighter future for myself? I committed myself to the latter, even though I wasn't clear about the overall vision.
At the time of those events, the best I could do in terms of vision was to clarify the kind of man I wanted to be. I didn't want to be a lifelong criminal. I wanted to be a man of honor, discipline, confidence, compassion, and courage. I wanted to become a good person.
I wanted to be successful, but not so much in a material sense. I wanted to be able to look at myself in the mirror and feel good. I wanted to end most of my days feeling that I'd done my best... or at least close to it.
I had a LONG way to go though. I'd become addicted to the adrenaline rush from shoplifting, which was like my daily espresso. Many days I didn't even get out of bed till 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon, and I'd go to bed around dawn the next day. I didn't exercise at all, and my diet consisted largely of pizza, bacon double cheeseburgers, and sodas.
I really didn't know how to stay true to that commitment. For a year and a half, I mostly drifted.
The biggest goal I could handle was simply to stay out of trouble -- to focus on not shoplifting and not getting arrested.
I got a minimal wage retail sales job at a video game store, mostly to keep myself busy. One perk was that I got free game rentals at the store, so I occupied myself by playing and finishing hundreds of different games. That was the height of my achievement at the time.
As this recovery process continued, I gradually began to feel more ambitious. I decided I really wanted to go back to school and earn my degree in computer science. But what university would accept me after getting expelled?
Fortunately this desire led me to a chance meeting with a guidance counselor from California State University, Northridge (CSUN). She informed me that their computer science program was not impacted, meaning that for a time, they were accepting almost anyone who applied. I decided to apply and was indeed accepted. So in the fall of 1992, I started college over as a freshman.
But something was different this time. I wasn't the same person I was when I started at Berkeley. The difference was that I'd made this commitment to myself, and I was finally beginning to take it seriously.
I was also very grateful to CSUN for giving me a second chance, when many other schools would have written me off as a loser.
In the past I never did my best. If I truly did my best, surely I could take more than the recommended 12-15 units per semester for full-time students. Some students take that many units and have part-time jobs as well. Some are single parents and they still manage.
I was just a solo guy going to school by myself. Surely I could do better than I'd done in the past.
So I decided to take a much heavier course load -- heavier than most students would ever dare to attempt. In three consecutive semesters, I took 31, 37, and then 39 units.
I even added a double-major in math in my final semester, so I graduated with two degrees in three semesters.
Here's a copy of my report card from my third and final semester at CSUN:
In that one semester I took 13 classes: 5 math classes, 2 computer science classes, and 6 general education classes. I was initially enrolled in an astronomy class too, but my guidance counselor told me I didn't need it to graduate, so I dropped it during the first week. That's why it has a W and 0.0 units listed next to it (W = withdrawal).
In my first semester at CSUN, I could only convince the Dean to give me permission to take 25 units, so I took 6 more units off campus at L.A. City College and then transferred them in. That's why it shows only 101 units for the campus (25 + 37 + 39 = 101). With transfer units and AP credits from high school, I had enough credits to earn a B.S. in Computer Science and a B.S. in Mathematics. These majors had enough overlap that I didn't have to take too many extra classes to add on the math degree.
I aced my classes and got a 3.85 GPA overall at CSUN. In my final semester, I earned all As except for a B in Comparative Socialism. Admittedly I'm not much of a socialist, so it wasn't worth the effort to earn an A in that class. I only took it to satisfy a requirement.
Some people claim that what I did was impossible because I couldn't have satisfied all the prerequisites in the right order. What they overlook is that I didn't even try to follow this rule. The normal enrollment process enforced prerequisites, but I outsmarted it by adding many classes during the first week of school, which bypassed the computer checks.
I had no trouble taking more advanced classes concurrent with their prerequisites. I could always adapt my learning as needed. In some cases this gave me an advantage since most students forgot much of the earlier material anyway, but for me that material was very fresh.
I also got a B+ in Public Speaking, which may seem ironic giving my current career path. Actually I did very well in that class and was getting an A. But I was also Vice Chair of the school's computer club, and I went to COMDEX in Las Vegas during that semester for a trip that the club had been planning for many weeks -- a trip that required us to miss one day of school (a sacrifice we all felt was worth it for the experience).
COMDEX was a major tech convention that attracted 200,000 people each year. It was a great opportunity to go there as a student.
Unfortunately my speech teacher scheduled me for a speech during the Monday I'd be out of town, and he wouldn't let me reschedule it, even after I explained the circumstances to him. He easily could have scheduled me to speak on a different day, but he stubbornly stuck to his guns. I think he wanted to punish me in some way for prioritizing the computer club ahead of his class, but I was a computer science major after all. I thought he was being unreasonable given the circumstances, but I accepted the F for that speech and the B+ in his class. The COMDEX trip was very memorable. His speech class was only so-so.
This was an important lesson I learned about success: the value of triage. Life won't always work out the way you'd hoped. You can't necessarily guarantee a particular real-world result. But you can become a very successful person, one who can adapt to circumstances. You can still commit to yourself and to the kind of person you wish to be.
One month after I graduated, the January 1994 Northridge Earthquake struck, decimating the campus. If I hadn't graduated when I did, it would have been a lot harder to get all the classes I needed.
After the quake CSUN became a patchwork of temporary bungalows while the campus was repaired and rebuilt. It seemed to take nearly a decade for the school to fully recover.
Some of my friends that were otherwise on track to graduate in 4 years had their plans derailed by Mother Nature. This taught me that moving slowly can cause a compounding of delays, while moving quickly can yield unexpected advantages.
Raise Your Standards
Now here's the part that may really bake your noodle.
In addition to taking 13 classes and getting good grades, I also worked full-time as a game programmer during that same semester.
I co-designed and programmed a 4-pack of Windows games that was published the year after I graduated, for which I received more than $20,000 in royalties.
Fortunately I was able to work on these games on my own time, and I didn't have to report to the game company's office too often. But I still averaged about 40 hours per week coding those games. How is this possible?
By honoring my commitment to do my very best, I found countless ways to save time, repurpose time, and stretch time. I've already written numerous articles about the strategies and techniques I applied, so I won't rehash that here.
The most important element was keeping up my motivation and energy. As long as I stayed motivated, the work flowed pretty easily. I still sleep a good 7-8 hours per night at the time. I ran 3 miles every morning too.
But the #1 factor in that accomplishment was immersing myself in the mindsets of people who were much more successful than I was. Mainly I did this by listening to motivational audio programs about 2 hours per day, including on weekends.
There's an enormous gap between settling for a mediocre performance vs. doing your very best.
Successful people are well aware of this. Mediocre performers usually aren't.
If you ask a mediocre performer to rate their performance relative to their potential best on a scale of 1-10, you'll commonly hear answers like 5, 6, or 7. But ask a very successful person to rate that same mediocre performer, and you're more likely to hear 1 or 2.
Your best potential performance is so ridiculously far ahead of mediocrity that it may be hard to believe that the two states of being can co-exist within the same person.
During that fast-paced time at CSUN, I was very happy and fulfilled. Earning my degrees quickly wasn't even the most important part. What I remember most was the tremendous feeling of energy, motivation, and flow -- and maintaining that state of being week after week.
I still had some downtime and lazy days, but my average day back then was pretty awesome. I probably got more done each day than most students did in a week.
The main words I'd use to describe that experience would be: fun, energizing, flowing, and exciting.
Success Requires Many Lessons
During the first year after college, I started my own computer game development company. I worked hard but struggled financially the first 5 years, sinking into $150,000 of debt and eventually going bankrupt.
You may regard that as a failure, but for me it was a major learning experience. I learned how NOT to run a successful game company.
So after the bankruptcy, I just kept going. I had no money, but I kept making games anyway.
I changed the company's business model. Instead of working with major publishers, I started selling my games direct over the Internet. That was awesome timing (1999), and the business started doing very well. I then expanded into publishing other developers' games.
Games that I designed and programmed won the Shareware Industry Award two years in a row (Dweep in 2000 and Dweep Gold in 2001).
Here's a pic of those awards:
By this time I realized I had some valuable ideas to share about success, achievement, time management, personal growth, and more. In 1999 I began writing articles for a software industry newsletter, and they were very well received.
I didn't get paid to write those articles. I just wanted to pass on some important lessons and insights -- in the hopes that others might find them helpful.
Eventually I put those articles online (on my games website), and I gradually added more articles.
That's when things started to snowball. My articles began getting picked up by search engines, especially Google. Then CNET hired me to write articles for their developer newsletter for $1000 per 1000-word article.
Fast forward a few years. I only had two dozen articles on my games website, but they were attracting so much search traffic and so many links that more people were coming to the site to read the articles than to download the games.
That encouraged me to think about a career change, and in 2004 I did exactly that. I launched and began blogging about personal growth very regularly. quickly took off, and I soon retired from the gaming industry altogether. I wanted to focus on personal growth full time.
That was a tough choice since I could have continued to expand my games business, but I committed myself to the new path, and I don't regret it. Making computer games was a dream I had in my 20s, and I'm glad I pursued it for so many years, but I could feel it was time to progress to something new.
Now I've written more than 1000 articles, enough to fill 25-30 books. They're all freely available on this website. I even uncopyrighted them, so people have been republishing them all over the world and translating them into many different languages. It's gratifying to see this work helping so many people improve their lives.
I also learned how to make a great living as a personal growth blogger. Most bloggers give up within the first 6 months, but from running my games business, I had already learned that success requires a long-term commitment. So even when I first started blogging, I was thinking years ahead.
That commitment paid off. I only earned $167 total during my first 6 months of blogging (mostly from affiliate programs), but I was patient. I kept writing new articles, reading massive quantities of feedback, and experimenting with different monetization methods.
In late 2005, passed $1000 per month, and the income kept rising. A year later (2 years after I started blogging), the site earned $41,000 in a single month. I've continued to enjoy abundant income from my personal growth work ever since.
In 2008 I did a book deal with Hay House. Just from the pre-orders, Personal Development for Smart People rocketed into the top 100 bestsellers list -- 3 months before it was even released. Since then the book has been translated into a dozen different languages, even into Bulgarian and Romanian.
It's pretty amazing that I started on this path of growth while sitting in a jail cell facing felony charges. Since then I've learned a tremendous amount about what it takes to succeed. I've learned how to create success not just in one field but across several different ones. I've found that the principles of success don't really change much from one field to another.
I'm still happily pursuing challenges that inspire me, and I love helping others create more success, happiness, and fulfillment.
The Conscious Success Workshop
Blogging has been a great medium for reaching lots and lots of people. But it's not the best medium for conveying certain types of information, such as a successful mindset.
What holds people back is that they don't really understand the mindset of success. They keep picking at the edges of success, such as by obsessing over the latest productivity tips, but they don't have the right foundation established yet.
As I've already explained, that foundation includes committing to a particular path. You won't get very far as a lifelong dabbler.
I know this is easier said than done, but it can be done. The question is whether you're ready to let go of mediocrity, raise your standards, and fully commit to success.
You can stay in the comfort zone of mediocrity if that's what you prefer, but if you've read this far, then I'd say you're probably ready for a more serious and dedicated commitment to lifelong success.
In 2009 I began doing public workshops. They were instantly popular, and the positive feedback showed me that I should keep doing them, not to mention a write-up and a photo in the New York Times.
My first workshop (CGW) was about conscious growth. The average attendee gave that workshop an overall rating of 9 out of 10, and I've continued to improve upon that successful start. The workshop also earned $61,000 -- not bad for a 3-day weekend.
When I saw the types of challenges workshop attendees were facing, it became obvious that I needed to create a workshop on success too, especially one focusing on career and financial success.
So that's how the Conscious Success Workshop (CSW) was born.
CSW incorporates the best ideas, lessons, and insights I've learned regarding how to become a successful lifelong achiever.
Here's how I can help you during our time together at CSW:
- I'll teach you the very best ideas, strategies, and processes for achieving success that I've encountered within my lifetime.
- I'll help you gain a lot more clarity about what you desire from life, a clarity that comes from a process you can trust.
- I'll help to encourage, inspire, and motivate you to stretch yourself, to raise your standards, and to create a more powerful vision for what's possible for you.
- I'll push you to commit yourself to becoming a lifelong achiever.
- I'll help knock you off the plateau of mediocrity, and you'll see that you're a lot more capable -- and a lot more powerful than you previously assumed.
- I'll communicate with you as an open and honest friend and guide, not some fake guru on a pedestal.
I know these ideas are teachable because I've been teaching them for years. But I also know that the immersive format of a 3-day workshop is a much better way to teach success and to help people understand the right mindset... as opposed to merely blogging about it.
I do this type of work because I love it. Helping people grow inspires me deeply. I fill each workshop with energy, passion, and variety because I truly believe in their value.
What You'll Learn
Here's what you'll learn during our weekend together:
- How to lift the fog of uncertainty and decide exactly what you want from life, even if you've never had much clarity before
- How to create a rich, vivid, compelling life vision that inspires and motivates you
- How to stabilize your vision today and still allow room for future expansion, so you can make real progress and build momentum instead of constantly changing your mind
- How to purge false socially conditioned desires from your life and discover the true desires behind them
- How to turn your life vision into realistic goals you can actually achieve
- How to identify and overcome blocks and limiting beliefs that hold you back
- How to break down larger goals into smaller projects and actions and successfully manage them to completion, even for large, multi-faceted goals
- How to become extremely well organized and enjoy a high degree of order and structure without becoming rigid or inflexible
- How to effectively leverage technology (hardware, software apps, web services, etc) to enhance your results
- How to stop procrastinating and feel naturally motivated to take action
- How to raise your daily productivity score to at least an 8 on a scale of 1-10
- How to make solid, focused progress week after week without getting distracted
- How to reduce social drag and get other people in your life to actively support your goals
- How to take control of your career path and achieve significant and lasting career success
- How to be successful in business, whether you start your own business or work for someone else... even in a down economy
- How to earn all the money you need to support the lifestyle you desire
- How to intelligently navigate challenging transitions, regardless of your starting point
- How to maintain balance among the various parts of your life without losing focus or feeling overwhelmed
- How to keep raising the bar, so you can look forward to a life of increasingly significant achievements
- How to receive and enjoy the many rewards of success and avoid self-sabotage
- ... and much, much more
The Willingness to Commit
What I love most about doing workshops is the people they attract.
Reading articles on my blog is easy. It doesn't take much effort or commitment. That's why I have millions of monthly readers.
My workshops, on the other hand, require a greater level of commitment. They cost money for you to attend (and for me to deliver). You'll probably have to make travel and hotel arrangements. You may need to shift your schedule around to attend one.
This is all very doable, but it does take some effort.
I find it slightly amusing when people write to me: "Steve, I'd love to attend one of your workshops, but unfortunately I can't because I live in Europe."
I tell them not to worry because there's this great new invention called an airplane. Have they ever seen one? 🙂
The reality is that about 30% of our attendees fly in from outside the USA. Despite living in Europe, Australia, Asia, or some other non-U.S. location, they're still able to get there. They could use the distance as an excuse, but they don't. Their commitment to be there overpowers any excuses.
Due to this higher level of commitment, these workshops attract very smart, growth-oriented people who are ready and willing to make serious forward progress in their lives. This in turn creates a positive, enthusiastic, and empowering social atmosphere.
Many workshop attendees have remarked that the social connections provide half the value. That doesn't surprise me since I enjoy the benefits of that amazing social support as well.
Part of the reason I do these workshops is that I experience tremendous gains from them too. I may be the facilitator, but I'm also a lifelong student of growth and success. I don't feel that I can ever become such an expert that I can afford to stop learning.
Success on Your Terms
One of the most common pieces of feedback I get looks something like this:
Steve, I really love your work, and I've learned some amazing things from you and have gotten all sorts of gains from it, such as X, Y, and Z, but I don't agree with everything you write about.
People share this feedback as if it's a bad thing that we don't see eye to eye on everything, but I see it as a good thing. We're supposed to be different; otherwise we'd be the same person. What's the value in cloning each other?
The reason people tell me this is that I've shared so much of my life online that anyone can find things we agree on and things we don't. Since I don't hide the disagreeable parts, it's all out there in the open.
That said, it's fair to say that I'm an unusual guy, an iconoclast of sorts.
I've been vegetarian since 1993 and vegan since 1997. I slept polyphasically for 5-1/2 months. I haven't had a regular job since the early '90s. And I don't have much love for organized religion.
I'm also colorblind, blue-eyed, and left-handed -- a veritable bastion of recessive genes.
I want to be clear upfront that I'm not here to live up to your values. That's your job.
I live my life according to my values and on my terms. I don't pretend to be just like you or anyone else. I'm my own man, I like who I've become, and that's good enough for me.
I maintain real friendships with people who accept and appreciate me as I am, and I don't care to seek the approval of those whose values are incompatible with mine.
I can be a powerful friend, guide, and teacher on your path of growth, but it's important to accept that each of us are on different paths. That is precisely as it should be.
I'm not here to walk in your shadow, and you aren't here to walk in mine. We can grow together for a time, but our paths won't overlap forever. As with all human relationships, our connection is temporary. It may last for months, years, or even decades, but it won't be permanent.
When the time comes that we must go our separate ways, let's agree to let go with love. But in the meantime, while our paths converge, let's agree to accept each other as we are, perceived warts and all.
I'm here to help you learn, grow, and succeed -- not in accordance with my values but with yours.
My role is to help you explore and fulfill your potential. Your potential isn't the same as mine. You probably can't do what I can do when I'm at my best. And I wouldn't stand a chance of being able to copy your performance when you're at your best.
I want to help you become a better version of you. Still you -- only better.
Smarter. Stronger. Faster. Healthier. Happier. More confident. More abundant. More fulfilled. More successful. An achiever.
I believe this will be of great benefit to you, and it will certainly be of benefit to all the people whose lives you touch.
If this sounds good to you, then let's make it so!
Become a Lifelong Achiever
If you like what I've shared here, then please come to the Conscious Success Workshop.
But don't come just for yourself.
Come with the intention of helping us co-create powerful growth experiences for all attendees.
Come with the willingness to do your very best during our time together.
Come with the desire to commit to a higher vision of success, one that will create positive ripples throughout the world.
I don't want you to someday look back on your life feeling full of regret. I'd rather see you look back on your life with gratitude and appreciation.
Register Now
Register for CSW today. Commit yourself to a better life -- a life of success, achievement, and fulfillment.
With love and gratitude,