Submersion Vibes and Intentions

In my previous post, I invited people to enroll in the new Submersion course deep dive on Subjective Reality, which is the perspective that you could be living in a simulation or dream world of some kind. So far 211 people have signed up, which is awesome! I expect that many more will join by…

Submersion Group Deep Dive 🤿

Starting on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, I’m hosting a group deep dive with live calls for our popular Submersion course on Subjective Reality. The purpose of Submersion is to help you construct a more trust-based relationship with reality, which can bring power, centeredness, and new capabilities to all areas of your life. It’s our second…

All 60 Submersion Lessons

As of January 31st, all 60 lessons for the new Submersion deep dive are published. Here’s the complete list of lessons: Your Best Thinking Your Mysterious Reality Modeling Reality Humanizing Reality Upgrading Your Relationship with Reality Healing Trust Wounds Overcoming Shame and Guilt Playfulness Listen to Reality Follow the White Rabbit Only One Consciousness Purifying…

More Than 300 Have Now Joined Submersion

So far 308 people have joined the new 60-day Submersion deep dive (i.e. Subjective Reality immersion), which is awesome, especially for a topic that would scare most people. 🙂 You can see the real-time sign-up count at the top of the Submersion page if you’re curious… at least during the initial launch happening right now.…

Making Your Hero’s Journey Real

There’s a major connection between your hero’s journey and your ability to skillfully apply the Subjective Reality lens. Let me ‘splain. When you consider that this reality could be akin to a dream world or a simulation, it reminds you to step into your power and create your experience now. It’s also a call to…