Playing Follow the Follower
How many people live their lives playing follow the follower? Do you keep on keeping on, not concerning yourself that the path may be leading nowhere (or worse)?
Where is your current path taking you? Are you following the path of another, maybe not a specific person but an archetype? Are you following the path of the student, the attorney, the programmer, the family guy, the movie fan, the internet junkie?
Does it bring you comfort to know that there are thousands on a similar path? Do you derive a sense of security from numbers?
What if you were the only one who was on your path? What if there were no one else to follow, and you had to blaze your own trail? Would that make you more or less committed to your path? Would you go it alone, take on the responsibility of inviting others to follow you, or would you prefer that someone else take the lead?
Are you leading or following? Is your life path a conscious choice or a collection of pre-existing patterns?